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My scout challenge pics are up

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I don't know if any of you remember or not, but I made a post earlier this year about hos I bet all our cub scouts that they could get 70% of all the cubs in all the dens to stick the entire year out and reach rank for the year. If they did, I'd dress up like a ballerina.


Well.....only 1 scout dropped out this year. NBo, it wasn't neccesarily because of our bet, but still.....only 1 scout - that's awesome.


Anyways, it was more for goofing off and getting them to laugh. I also took a moment to tell the younger scouts who are too shy or embarassed to stand up in front of the pack for skits or pack meetings that - If I could stand up in front of everybody wearing a pink unitard and pink tutu with my boots, scout hat, and necker...then they could stand up proudly in front of everybody during a skit or recieving awards and advancement.


Anyways, if you are a member of The Scouter.com Facebook Group, then check them out :



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