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Leave No Trace

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Hi, we've been looking at LNT service projects for our Bears. We're thinking of a cleanup day at a park or trail. Has anybody done one of these service projects which was particularly successful?




Pack 122

Poughkeepsie, NY

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While I was a den leader we did these things at least once per year. We would work on a different section of lake shore each time (not in the water). The boys had a great time discovering all the things that people discarded and washed up along the shoreline. Then we'd invent stories to explain the unusual items (the occasional ski, or football helmet) or we'd try to guess how many tennis balls we'd collected (or other common items). Actually I was amazed at how many tennis balls there were. And softballs. And golf balls. And beach balls. And soccer balls. Volleyballs. Footballs. Wow!

We all had a great time and then we'd go out for pizza. I really miss the cubs.

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