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Recognition for an exceptional good turn

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Two of my boys' teacher called me to let me know how proud she of them for befriending a new student in her class with disabilities. I'd like to recognize them during the pack meeting in some way, but need some ideas. She said they have been helping this child stay on task during class and playing with him during recess. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks

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That is wonderful to hear! I saw a "Good Turn" patch in the Scout Shop, and maybe this, along with a certificate praising the particular character connection put into practice would be something the boys would like. I just love your idea of recognizing them at a pack meeting.

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Define "recognize" for me. Laurie's idea of developing a character connection program around disability awareness and using your boys as an example is a good one. Maybe they can help present the program. But if you're looking for a capital-R Recognition, I don't know that there is one, nor am I sure that one would be appropriate. Yes, compasssion, friendliness, and helpfulness are the things we are trying to teach our Scouts and they need positive reinforcement for it. If you want to treat them to something special, I think that's great. But getting a special Scout Recognition for it somehow strikes me like getting paid for a Good Turn.


I really, really, really (did I say really?) don't want to be a wet blanket here and I'm trying not to over-state my point, so please don't take offense. You should be very proud of your boys.

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How about just taking the boys aside, possibly with their parents, and tell them what the teacher told you and how proud you are of them. That might mean more than a patch or a certificate and save them from the embarassment of being held up as an example to their friends.



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