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I'm not the advancement chair but do feel for her as she receives things like CubRgr described -- phone calls, emails, scribbled notes, stopped in a meeting, etc.


I also find myself wondering if a boy has earned belt loops or other items related to the rank advancements we have done. It is time consuming to look it up. Most of the parents seem to think that the den leader is going to handle all of it. I've talked to parents this year that don't know what their son earned last year (I was a graduating Webelos Leader last year, a Bear Den leader this year). They don't know what the boys should have earned, if they earned it, what are arrow points, etc.


Wonder why our pack is shrinking?????


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Our pack bought Packmaster 2 years ago, in my opinion it was high maintains. I have to agree to an early thread about spreadsheet. After we bought the Packmaster and found that know one had the time to maintain it, I made up a spreadsheet for our Advancement person. All the sheets are keep in a binder; each boy has three sheets from Tiger on to Webelos, including all extra awards they might earn including belt loops and patches. They are group together in Dens. When they graduate to next rank, you just change the page divider. Couldnt be any simpler. We do award our scout with any and all awards that they want to earn; with the software, we were limited to the amount of awards and patches.

Also, there is nothing wrong with the advancement person letting the leaders know how they will accept award sheets. Ours will take emails and paper! No calls! This way she has no chance of the leader asking why Joey didnt get his award. She also has a cutoff date for awards to be in, this way shes not being dumped on few days before the Pack Night. Another thought also if the Advancement person home was to burn who would have the records? Council only keeps Rank advancements. The Den Leader should have a copy of the awards ordered for a scout. (Im not wish any thing bad on anyone, the house burning did happen)


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I use myCubs, it's a palm pilot program. It's easy to take it with me whereever I go. All I have to do is check a box for each acheivement earned. It stores all my information about events, activities, leaders, scouts and their advancesments. I can even print out reports on my PC. Check it out www.mycaboose.com

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