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Inter-Campsite Competitions

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Hi Everyone!


I'm starting to pull together our program for our Council's Webelos Summer Camp. There are 4 campsites that will hold about 35 people - probably 20 of them boys - during each session (we have several). We like to have some sort of competition between the camps.


Two years ago each campsite was given masking tape, markers, a couple of straws, a couple of sheets of construction paper and a raw egg. They had to use natural materials and build a carrier for the egg and we had an egg drop competition from the top of our Fort (two story). The egg that held up the best "won" (we don't give awards - only bragging rights).


Last year we built bridges using 100 Popsicle sticks and glue. Each group of 4 boys built a bridge, then each campsite picked one to represent their campsite at the competition. We then suspended the bridges over saw horses and using weights and sequenced rocks loaded them up until they broke. This one was a HUGE hit with parents and Scouts alike - it completely consumed our closing night Campfire program time - in fact, it *became* the program!


I want to come up with something that is different, but equally exciting. I've thought of volcanos, since we will be working on our Geologist Activity Badges at Camp, but I'm just not sure they are going to provide the wow factor I'm looking for. I've considered rockets, but am WAY tired of water bottle rockets - we seem to do them at EVERY Cub Scout event! - and Estes rockets are out of my budget when I consider I'd need one for every boy - like 450 of them - plus engines (anyone have a source willing to donate those?).


So, I'm turning to y'all for ideas, as I know there are lots of creative people on here. Be out of the box!


I'm very excited - this year not only am I writing the program, but I'll be at Camp as Program Director so I'll get to see my vision actually unfold for all groups, rather than just one :) Hurry, summer, don't be late!


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You could try contacting Estes, a hobby shop or a rocketry club to see if they have some extras or could donate / do a partnership.


A raingutter regatta is easy and fun to do, though you run into the same issue with needing a huge volume of kits.


It's not really a competition, but if you have a large field, I've seen water wars work wonderfully. Balloons, squirt guns, etc. Just have to do a really good job of policing the area afterwards to get up all the little balloon pieces. (And don't use those camouflage ones.)

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previous poster mentioned rain-gutter regada and worried about buying a kit. When my son was a cub we did our RGR without the kit. the boys used a cardboard quart bottle as the boat and made sails with construction paper and straws. other supplies boys might need is just some spray paint to color the boats.


sponge wars was a fun game - not really a compition. played mutch like dodge ball but with sponges as balls and the buckets were at the dividing line.


nature art - using only dead plants/trees they create some form of art... center piece for a table, welcome sign for thier campsite, etc...

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