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Independence Day


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Ours don't have Monday off; we're in first session of summer camp this year, with Independence Day being our second day in camp. I checked with the camp staff a couple of days ago, and they didn't have anything special planned. I offered to have our Troop put on a small ceremony at evening retreat (dramatic reciting of part of the Declaration of Independence, and a recitation of what happened to the 56 signers), with a movie that evening in the lodge. I'd like to show "The Patriot", but the program director is a little reluctant due to the battle scenes. I've got a copy of "The Crossing" on its way as a backup; I hope it gets here in time.


I'm with you though; the signs and flyers that say "Happy 4th of July" rather than "Happy Independence Day" drive me nuts...


I try to take whatever opportunity I can to use these events as teaching moments. On the anniversary of the Battle of Lexington and Concord, for my Scoutmaster's Minute, I read excerpts from Emerson's "Concord Hymn": "Here once the embattled farmers stood, and fired the shot heard 'round the world." With adequate dramatics, they'll pay attention as if you were a video game.


I highly recommend William Bennett's book "Our Sacred Honor -- The Spirit of America". It is, literally, words of advice from the Founders in stories, letters, poems, and speeches. Find it, buy it, and use it. As Bennett says: "...patriotism is an everyday virtue as well -- a virtue that cannot be neglected or taken for granted. It requires education; it must be taught...".


Have a safe and joyful Independence Day, and please remember and honor our troops who are in harm's way at this time.



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