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Any Info on this NCS Session?


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Hi all,

My boss for summer camp gave me the dates and general place for the NCS session I'm supposed to go to, but he couldn't give me anything more then, and hasn't gotten back to me now (the bum! :-P).

Does anyone know important details about the NCS session from May 21 until sometime, in Texas somewhere? How bout info like when it ends, and which camp it's at, what towns it near? I like to start figuring out a way to get there, but my boss evidently checks his email as often as if he were at camp :-D


-Curtis :-D

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I just returned from the one in GA. I was looking at my schedule and the only one upcoming I see for TX is the one in Nov in conroe Tx. This may be due to the fact that I work with Cubs and you may work with Boy Scouts. Could you give me some more info?


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There were 2 Tx courses listed on my schedule. One is in Nov and the other you missed by a couple of months. That being said, my schedule is for the Southern Region. I can give you the fax number for the souther region ( 770-499-8146). You could fax them a request for the information for the dates and course you need and see what response you get. Or, you could check with your DE. All my info came from my DE not the camp director. Most camps have the DE as the Admin so he should be most helpful. I will also shoot off an email to Donna Carr who was in charge of my course to see what she has to add to the above. I will forward you her reply when I get it.

Sorry I can't be of more help. I hope you have as much fun at your NCS as I had at mine.


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