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Progress has been made! I'm the CC for my son's troop for the past year. When my son crossed over the troop was adult run with few outings planned. I've gently helped the Scoutmaster change these practices. Last January we actually had a youth leader lock-in where we trained the youth for their positions. At the end of this training we had the youth plan a 6 month schedule of events and monthy themes. The discussion of a hike came up for the month of June as our outdoor event. I suggested to the boys that perhaps they should do an overnight survival hike along with first aid training where the non-leadership only thought they were going on a hike. The boys thought that it was a great idea. They had planned Wilderness Survival as the theme for May.


Last Friday they had their hike/ camp out.I was not able to make it but all those that went had a fantastic time. The boys were well prepared. They tackled every challenge presented. Despite making a few bad decisions as far as where to camp for the night and the weather being cold enough to frost all stayed warm and dry. One of the The Raven Patrol Leader faked a sprained ankle. The boys thought he was actually injured. They first tried makeshift crutches and finally ended up making a litter and carried the PL far enough to prove that they could. They learned that grubs taste like nuts. They ate some ants.


Once they returned to town. We cooked them a breakfast of scrambled eggs and pancakes. If your Troop has not done an outing like this with proper training and prepardness this can be great fun!

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The oldest Scout was 16. Several were 15, most were 11 and 12. Two ASM's participated, one a former Survival trainer for FEMA, US ARMY, now an EMT. NO tents, no sleeping bags, only a day pack with the Ten Essentials plus a few items. Most had a space blanket. Some also had a small tarp. Most brought several layers of clothing as is appropriate for a hike in the Central Washington Cascades at this time of year.

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"Can you provide some more details? How did the PLC spring it on the troop that they'd be out overnight?" Shortridge asked.


The PLC led the troop on a "shortcut" from what I have been told and got "lost" when they announced that they were "lost" and they would need to spend the night. I am not sure at what point they spilled the beans, so to speak, and admitted that the whole thing was carefully planned. At this weeks meeting the Troop spent a fair amount of time discussing the outing; what went wrong, what went right, what they learned. I really wish I could have gone along but I already use all of my vacation time for Scouting, with Wood Badge and Summer Camp, plus leaving work early several times a year for OA functions.


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