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Fast food emporium near T. L. Storer

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You should come to our councils summer camp.

Its a bone-jarring 45 min. drive or so back into the Adirondack Mountains down a dirt road.

From there it is another 15-20 min. to the nearest town with a fast-food joint (and them only a McDonalds and a pizza place).


I think after a day or so of an hour drive each way (and rough on a vehicle) for meal that the catering would stop.





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  • 8 months later...

Just remember:

No Scout ever died from not eating on a weekend camping trip.


That being said,


Why doesn't the Scout in question LEARN to make food "just like McDonalds", instead of buying it?


There are ways to prepare food so it just doesn't taste as good as "normal" food, to make it taste like McD's. (Who would want to pass up a burger cooked over a wood fire vs one cooked on a pan is beyond me).


Fries are easy, too.


If that is all that Scout wants to eat AND his parents are OK with it, then the only ones left to convince are the patrol members.


I would like to see them have a big serving of steak and kidney pie, or even fish and chips :)


(Edited for food ideas)(This message has been edited by ustbeeowl)

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Since this is up here I will answer bookmoms question, albeit a year late. Yes, there is a McDonalds, Wendy's, Dunkin' Donuts, as well as convenience stores at the Epsom traffic circle 15-20 miles South of T.L. Storer S.R. But since TLSRS is in the middle of NH and belongs to the Boston Minuteman Council, it will be quite a drive unless Mom or Pop attend camp. And the price of gas is shooting up again.

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The crew leader of the crew I was an adviser for at Philmont last year, would not eat vegetables. He would not eat them whole,cooked as an ingredeint in a dish...no veggies period. His name is Spencer and he told the crew and advisers that vegetables "are not Spencer friendly".


Well, Spencer traded for food he would eat and led the charge to rummage through the swap boxes when we hit the staffed camps on the trail. He never was hungry, or so he claimed. I was concerned he wasnt getting a balanced diet, but I remembered that as a teen-ager, I ate a diet that was heavy on starch and sodium and no veggies (just the onions on the burgers).


The scout in question here has suffered a great dis-service by his parents in that they cater to his whims regarding diet. Perhaps having this scout forgo the McMeal routine will either get him started eating right or at least try other foods because he will get hungry sooner or later.


It took the United States Navy to get me to eat proper and ONLY because I couldnt raid the fridge or run out to Micky D's....the middle of the Atlantic ocean is rather bare of any fast food emporiums or Quikee Marts..and the Pacific has even less places to catch some McFood.


This Scout will eventually eat...once he gets hungry enough.

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