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Seeking to network uniform banks


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Greetings all:


I am assembling a network of uniform banks that would be willing to mail uniforms to Scouts & Scouters who request them. If you have a uniform bank for your unit, district, or council, I invite you to join the network. Having more resources will enable more boys to have the opportunity to attain a uniform. Our goal is to have every Scout in uniform. Being an affiliate member will also give you access to bulk quantities of uniforms, insignia, and accessories, as well as expertise and support. One of the affiliate members has access to dry cleaning solutions, and has moderate success at removing glue residue from uniforms. Another member is an armature tailor who can repair or alter uniforms that may not otherwise be salvageable.


Most affiliates only charge actual costs, or postage for uniforms. Some will even donate uniforms to Scouts with a genuine need.


It really is difficult to tell people that there are no uniforms available, when there are so many requests. Uniforms sitting in a box on a shelf or hanging in a closet would be better if worn by a Scout. There is a high demand for larger size uniforms that isn't being met.


My ultimate goal would be to have an affiliate in every Council to primarily serve the local population, and have a resource for filling needs that can't be filled locally. I would also like to provide a location for Scouts to donate uniforms that are outgrown, rather than having them donated to thrift stores or discarded.


As of this posting, I have about five contacts that are part of the uniform exchange.


You may reply to this bulletin board or to me directly if you are interested.


Thank you for your time.


Keep on Scoutin' ora

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