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Will trade for current BEL and TAC...


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Hello, I will be moving to Denmark soon and I figured it would be wise to trade some of the stuff I already have for current stuff from Black Eagle Lodge and Transatlantic Council.


Here's what I'm looking for from Transatlantic:


S-18 (Standard Issue CSP)


From Black Eagle:


S-22 (Brotherhood Service Flap)

S-26 (Standard Trader Flap)

S-37 (Standard Issue Flap)

J-7 (Jacket Patch)

N-5 (Neckerchief)



I'm looking to get multiples of the S-18, S-26, and S-37 and only one of the S-22, J-7, and N-5, well maybe two J-7's, I guess it depends on what's available. I would also be interested to some extent in the Denmark RWS, ZF-1 (Berlin Wall Flap), S-38 (NOAC Fundraiser Flap), and S-39 (NOAC Contingent Flap), but to a much lesser extent as these are more rare and probably more expensive issues.


I have numerous Nebagamon items, including some rare items, and a variety of other flaps and CSP's. I would really appreciate any help ASAP, thanks...


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I am a former TAC Scout and BEL Arrowman.


My suggestion would be check out Matt Kirkland's website blackeagletrader.com, he might have something to trade. He and I were in the same district as youth, just a couple towns away from each other.


The NOAC patches will be close to impossible to get a hold of, being such a small lodge, not many were made, and folks like to keep them in their collection.


I might have an extra S-22 in my collection, but I would have to look.

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Wow...thank you for the notice.


He and I exchanged emails a little while back and we were planning on getting together at Conclave, as we were in the same Section.


It is a sad...Matt was a great resource and we had some good conversations about our old Three Rivers District in Germany, Intercamp, and the BEL. He will be missed.

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Yes he will. In case anyone here is interested, TAC has set up a memorial fund for him that you can donate to via PayPal on their website. They are also looking for ideas for uses of the funds. I have also suggested to the council that they make a memorial CSP and the lodge make a memorial flap in honor of Matt Kirkland and the incredible work he did.


If you happen to find that S-22 or anything else, please let me know.


Anyone else out there, I'm still looking to trade, so don't hesitate to make a post or shoot me a PM. Thanks...

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  • 2 years later...

The current TAC patches you can order from the scout store on the TAC page. They order all our BSA stuff from the states, plus have the local patches etc.

Check online what you want, order via fax and pay with creditcard and TAC will send the package anywhere in europe, probably beyond if you ask.








Cheers from West Berlin, Edelweiss District



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