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I would think that if the boy actually functions in the POR he should get credit for it, regardless of whether the SM thinks he can handle it or not. If all he wants to do is wear the patch and get credit for advancement, then it really doesn't make any difference whether he holds the office or not.


Boys in my troop hold POR as long as they do the job. If they do the job for 6 months they get advancement for it. If not, then they get switched out with a boy that wants to do the job. There are no term of office in the unit. If after a couple of weeks it's obvious the boy isn't going to do the job he's signed on for, then the job is given to someone else on the spot. End of discussion. If a PL has been in office for 3 months and then joins school sports and can't do the job anymore, the job goes to the next person and somewhere down the road after sports season is over, he puts in another 3 months as a POR he gets advancement credit.


If one doesn't do the job, they don't get the credit.



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I hear through the grapevine the SM will not allow one Star Scout to have a POR because he wants to hold off his advancement. I'm the COR and will be checking into it tonight.


Welcome to da forums bacchus!


Nah, yeh shouldn't be checking into this any more than being aware of it, eh? As a COR, yeh don't micromanage the SM, leastways not if you want a healthy program. You let da SM do his/her job, because he knows the boy and the patrol and the troop better than you do, eh?


Yeh just stay informed as an observer, and then if yeh see this happen a few times, and with negative consequences in terms of your organization's goals, yeh nudge a bit.


A respectful approach and a light touch as COR, eh?




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A Unit leader is responsible for knowing the needs and characteristics of the scouts he or she serves. (There is a reason why the have Scoutmaster Conferences, and why the Scoutmaster is supposed to be doing them.)


The unit leader is the manager of the advancement program.


The unit leader gives counsel to the senior patrol leader in their selection of the junior leaders.


Now lets put these three rersponsibilities into a coordinated purpose.


Through their contact with the scouts and functions such as the SM Conference, the Scoutmaster knows what skills each scout has, where they are strong and where they need more training or more practice.


By sharing his or her knowledge through counseling and mentoring with the Senior Patrol Leader the SM can help the SPL make POR choices that will benefit both the needs of the group and the needs of the individual.


Isn't that what good leadership is all about?


So does a SM play a role in which scouts get POR's? If he or she isn't playing a role then they are not doing their job as a Scoutmaster.


For Scouts who need a POR but do not get one, the Scoutmaster has options to employ. One example is the Scoutmaster can offer a project to the scout which if completed successfully can also be applied to his advancement.


SO yes, a Scoutmaster, if they understand the program and their role in it, knows the needs and characteristics of each scout and uses the program elements and Methods to help the scout have the opportunity to find his own success.








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