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Everything posted by DeMann

  1. We keep about 33%. I think it is high, but people don't usually buy it because they are hungry for popcorn. I found they buy it to help a kid go do whatever he tells them he is going to do with it. My son found that he sold better if I stayed in the car. He averages $250.00 per hour when I get out of the way. And 80% of last years customers will buy again. That is how this last year he did $1500.00 in four afternoons between school letting out and 5:00 pm. I think the DE's should be commended. So what if it helps the Council? Where can my kid make $80.00 per hour for his pack???? and
  2. Hi, guys. I am a rather new member here (about 5 minutes) but i read several other posts and it seems that some folks really get bent out of shape about the DE pushing popcorn at a round table. Is that really something to get warped about? I got into it with my son, and I am proud as punch that I did. We sold for four afternoons, and then were done with fundraisers for the year. He paid for three camping trips, day camp, a trip to the ocean, Blue and Gold, and got some camping gear out of the deal as well. I personally like popcorn. it saved me some cash. what do you guys think?
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