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Everything posted by dbraxtonw

  1. I am an attorney; before that I was a professional scouter. My experience has touched on this area but I am no expert on the subject. I do not recall this being covered in my professional training (but that is going on 30 years ago.) About 20 years ago, a benefactor wanted to set up a trust fund to be used to purchase equipment for the troop of which I am Scoutmaster. Up to that point, I had always been under the impression that "unit property" actually belonged to the chartered organization, which would retain the property if the unit disbanded. Somewhere in the process of researchin
  2. The following is quoted, without editing or correction of apparent typographical errors, from the website of Tooth of Time Traders (the official Philmont Scout Ranch trading post): QUOTE "The Philmont Black Felt Bull originated in 1944 by Dr. E. K. Fretwell, who was then Chief Scout Executive. It was patterned after the bull found in the tile mosaic located at the downstairs entrance to the Villa Philmonte. In the beginning a first year camper or leader received only the head of the bull to sew over the left pock of the shirt. After another year's participation, one qualified for the bo
  3. As another former professional for the BSA (NEI 7803), it is evident to me that both commandopro and BadenP are knowledgeable, experienced and dedicated to the betterment of Scouting. They may disagree with each other, they may disagree with me; but, folks, lets not snipe at each other! Commamdopro does an excellent job of describing the way that the system is supposed to work. BadenP accurately describes what can happen when the system is abused. Professionals can facilitate the working of the system or undermine it. Volunteers can make the system work or idly sit by without even rea
  4. As scoutldr said in the "Council Certified Trainer" thread, the TDC contains nothing "nothing about how to present the various...training modules." After conducting the TDC on an annual basis, the Scout Executive of my council and I (as council training chairman) realized, independently but almost simultaneously, that we need to supplement the TDC with a "best practices" or "nuts and bolts" approach. I am presently working on such a syllabus and I would welcome suggestions from the forum.
  5. When I took Wood Badge in 1979, there were two women in my patrol. They shared a tent in our patrol campsite. I find nothing in either the syllabus or the administrative guide for Wood Badge for the 21st Century that requires separate facilities for men and women (except to ensure reasonable privacy). David B. Wilson North Carolina
  6. Others have expressed very well what I would have said, had I seen your post prior to your son's departure. Now that he is on his way, rest assured that the entire Philmont staff is rigorously trained regarding safety. I have been to Philmont twice myself and I found the entire staff to be very conscious of safety issues both times. One young adult who was with one of the trail crews in the expedition that I coordinated two years ago stayed on as staff for the remainder of the summer. His primary assignment was working the overnight shift as the basecamp radio operator, coordinatin
  7. OGE: Every chartered organization receives an annual charter from the National Council granting that organization the right, privilege and responsibility to operate a local unit utilizing a Boy Scouts of America program. In the same fashion, every local council also receives an annual charter from the National Council granting the local council the right, privilege and responsibility to provide service to each of the chartered organizations and their units within the geographic boundaries of the local council. As far as I am aware, each local council's charter year matches the calen
  8. Local United Way organizations are individual entities that are affiliated with the national organization. Each has a high degree of autonomy. Each has an annual contract with each agency that receives funds and that contract sets out the formula for distribution of funds. In some communities, every dollar designated for a specific agency (for example, Local Boy Scout Council) goes to that agency. In some communities, the amount designated, minus an administrative percentage, goes to the agency. In others, designated gifts will not affect the amount of money going to the ag
  9. Your Troop Guide for the Wood Badge Course will be able to give you guidance regarding the depth and scope of your Wood Badge ticket goals. In very general terms, your ticket should be written in terms of your primary job in Scouting (which I understand to be Unit Commissioner for Venturing) in such a way that it will include challenging but attainable goals for you that will have maximum inpact for the youth within the scope of your position. Your Troop Guide has learned, or will learn, about the details of ticket development as a part of Wood Badge Staff Development preceding your cour
  10. First, I must say that some course directors seem to be taking liberties with the Wood Badge Course that are not suggested as alternatives in the Staff Guide. If this is happening in your locale and you are a course participant, keep your head down and go with the flow. If you have completed the course you have every right to call the concern to the attention of the Executive Board member who oversees Wood Badge, or the Council President. The Staff Guide was designed, after extended study, with minimal alternatives to ensure that all leaders throughout the country receive the same train
  11. Like all categories of backpacking equipment, there are tradeoffs of expense, weight, bulk and function in regard to tent stakes. Most of the ground at Philmont is fairly hard and rocky. Seven to eight inch long plain skewer stakes will work pretty well at most campsites. If you save money and take steel wire stakes, they will weigh more but can be straightened if the get bent by a rock. If you spend more money and take tempered aluminum stakes, you will save some weight but they are not eaisily straightened if bent. The bottom line is, you will have so much fun that it will n
  12. We also should remember that the primary setting in which scouting activities are held is the unit. All programs of the BSA, beginning with the Tiger program for Cub Scouts, all the way through the Venture program, are designed for most of the activities to take place through unit meetings and activities. The purpose of district, council and national program activities is to supplement and compliment the unit's own program, not replace it. Participation in district, council and national programs can provide access to resources that might not be available to the individual unit and can
  13. BobWhite's answer is correct. In addition, the Scout Executive of a local council works for the Council Executive Board, not for the National Council. The national office has the authority to see that each local council that it charters carries out the policies, programs and standards of the Boy Scouts of America and looks to the council Scout Executives, who are commissioned by the National Council, to do that. The National Council, through the Area Directors, evaluates council Scout Executives annually, which is a factor in determining who is "promotable." Separate from the evalu
  14. I don't know what your sources are but Wood Badge for the 21st Century is designed to be relevant for all adult leaders in Scouting, regardless of the program in which they work and regardless of whether they work at a unit, district, council or national level. (Source: Wood Badge for the 21st Century - Staff Guide: The Syllabus, Forward, pp. iii-iv.) If your job as a Scouter is with a Venture Crew, not only can Venturing be the focus of your Wood Badge ticket, it should be! (Source: Wood Badge for the 21st Century - Staff Guide: The Syllabus, Forward, pp. 67-69.)
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