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About CWKitchenStaffer

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    Junior Member
  1. We were building a campfire and came across a 4 foot long, 5 inch wide piece of metal with holes cut in it for cupholders. The bottoms of these cupholders were a single piece of metal across the bottom. We put it at a slight up angle through the fire with full soda cans in the cupholders. They were cheap, store brand sodas and when they reached a certain temp, the bottoms burst and they took off like mortar shells, spilling boiling soda all over the ground. Luckily, no one was injured, although we did melt a hole in a plastic tarp... YIS Brendan
  2. My CO is the local Fire Department. They rate about a 10, as they don't intrude much, but have members on our TC and help financialy when needed.
  3. OK, First, thanks for your quick replies. The scout in question on incident 1 is a Scout that can be much, much worse. He has been making giant strides of progress, because we have found yelling etc. doesn't work. We have discovered that when we make him stop and think about his actions, he stops. This is a kid who went from almost being kicked out of camp one year to being runner up for honor camper the next. I think I've ranted about that enough. Second, OGE, I don't have a very good relationship with my Scoutmaster. No one really does, and we are all somewhat glad he's retiring afte
  4. I just turned 18 over the summer and became an ASM. There is one guy on our troop comittee that only seems to do things his way. The two shining examples are: On our last winter campout (in a cabin) a scout (14yrs) was making some crude jokes. This kid has done this before, and when we speak to him, he stops, unless the younger kids egg him on. Well, this comittee member happened to be at the campout and heard the comments. He way overeacted, (especially since we dealt with it right away) and called the kids mother as soon as we got home. Shes a little nuts to begin with, and that didn'
  5. True. I checked some old handbooks ( I only have them going back to the 50s) and found almost no mention of tourniquet usage. So, I guess unless BW remembers the 1936 handbook, he can't be complaining about any handbooks made during or after World War 2. Also, what was acceptable treatment "back in the day" is not common now. In the forties and fifties, soldiers put sulfalinomide on their wounds...not done today, but, it worked well when nothing better was available, sort of like tourniquets, way, way back when.
  6. My troop uses this system for new scout patrols: A patrol crosses over from cubs (must be at least 6, otherwise they are integrated into other patrols), they are assigned a Troop Guide, if possible, the den chief they had, after 6 months, they have a regular election, but their old tg keeps a close eye on their patrol meetings and such, and helps out a little if necesary. Within 2 months of crossing over, we try to get them to do a patrol activity (usually a campout) to build comaradarie (misspelled that). This works fairly well for us.
  7. My SM is a "temporary" one, who took the position out of necessity about 7 years ago when our old SM resigned for medical reasons. He has never actually had any Scoutmaster training, not even SM fundamentals, and forget WoodBadge. We have several active ASMs and several less active ones. The most involved ASM is my father, which has the potential to create a "scoutmasters kid" situation. Unfortunatley, there is no one in the wings waiting to step up to be SM, so it looks like we're stuck with him for a while. John-in-KC, the reason I ran for SPL is that the only other kid running was "Bobby
  8. It should be noted that "Bobby" has stopped working on his project and just fools around at Troop meetings. Forgot those things in my original post.
  9. Troop of 18 Scouts. SPL is 17, ASPL is 14, PLs: one 15, one 11/12, TroopGuide is 14, APLs: 17 (under the 14 yr old...needs leader time) one 11/12. QM and Scribe both 13. I think thats everybody.
  10. There are two older Scouts in my troop who refuse to listen to me. They crossed over from Cubs with me and are both 17. Both are Life, one has nearly completed his project and has about 6 months til his 18th B-day, and the other hasn't started his project but has almost a full year...and has a project in mind. The second one, we'll call him "Jimmy", has always been a little loud and overative. The other, we'll call him "Bobby", was doing fine until I beat him in the SPL election. I don't know if he is just jealous about the election (he was SPL for two years before me), or if he is jealous
  11. BobWhite, By artificial respiration do you mean rescue breathing? If so, we still do that in emergencies sometimes. And why do you have bonfires listed as a bad idea?
  12. Another Massachusan here. I would be interested in a 1:1 CSP and 1:1 OA flap trade. My email is viper3_6@yahoo.com Hope to hear from you soon
  13. Some of the councils listed no longer exist. The patches are out there, but may be harder to find. The merged/closed councils are: Boston(merged to Boston Minuteman), Cambridge, Greater Boston, Greater Lowell, Mass Bay Federated Minuteman (merged to Boston Minuteman), Moby Dick (merged into Narragansett), Monadnock, North bay, North Essex, Norumbega, and Lone Tree. For some I included merger info. The councils in Mass are: Boston Minuteman, Cape Cod and Islands, Knox Trail, Pioneer Valley, Yankee Clipper, Old Colony, Mohegan, Nashua Valley, Annawon, Narragansett, and Great Trails. If you
  14. Hi, I am a patch collector up here in Mass. as TwocubDad said, the most common collectors items are CSPs and Lodge flaps. I happen to be working on collecting the history of my Lodge (309) in patches. we have had almost 100 issues over the years. One important thing to keep in mind when trading is to make new friends. I know many people that are like "patch business men." They tend to lose sight of the true aim of patch collecting/swapping, which is to meet Scouts from other parts of the country/state/council or whatever. While many older patches have great monetary value,(some early edi
  15. Hi, I am a patch collector up here in Mass. as TwocubDad said, the most common collectors items are CSPs and Lodge flaps. I happen to be working on collecting the history of my Lodge (309) in patches. we have had almost 100 issues over the years. One important thing to keep in mind when trading is to make new friends. I know many people that are like "patch business men." They tend to lose sight of the true aim of patch collecting/swapping, which is to meet Scouts from other parts of the country/state/council or whatever. While many older patches have great monetary value,(some early edi
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