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Everything posted by CubScoutMom25

  1. Thanks for all the help. It makes sense! (I too was thinking about Eagle projects.)
  2. My son is working on Life rank. For the required six hours of community service he wants to raise money for a scoreboard for the town's ballpark. He was told that he can do the project, but cannot wear a uniform when asking for donations, selling beverages or having a rummage sale. It just seemed odd to me that he cannot wear his uniform while performing this community service. Any help is appreciated.
  3. When is a Scout NOT permitted to wear his uniform? If there is spefic BSA regulations stating a Scout cannot wear a uniform to raise money for a non-profit group, other than BSA, could someone please give me the info? Thanks so much for your valued time!
  4. Hoping someone might be able to help me in obtaining information on the BSA regulations relating to costuming. (Other than no imitating the military and no weapons.) Our Pack will be marching in a Halloween parade and the boys will be voting on theme. One of the suggested themes was inappropriate for Scouting, in my view. I was just wondering if there were written regulation regarding the subject. Thanks in advance for any all information. Yours in Scouting!
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