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About CPStaff747

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    Junior Member

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  • Location
    Seattle, WA
  1. Camp Fire Program Where I work we also have a Sunday night opening, and a Friday night closing, with a mid-week "troop night" where each troop has the opportunity to invite other troops to a "friendship fire" where each troop puts on skits/songs and typically troops make cobbler, etc. for afterwords. Commisioner Services Each week we have a few voluteer "visiting commissioners" these are typically former staff members, or parents of staff, etc. who come out for a week. We also have a paid Head Commissioner on staff who oversees the visiting commissioners and handles the coordination
  2. "The current Day Camp program is a solid, BSA Accredited Cub Scout Day. It is no more, or no less, a Day Care Program than is the CS Day Camp run by your Council." Is it just me or did he just refer to a scouting day camp program as a Day Care Program. That's what kindercare is for, send your kid there. I really hope you don't think that's what Day Camp is for... I don't know that a BS Day Camp would be a good solution. If you can generate enough interest then sure why not, as long as you have a constant stream of scouts in the transition between CS and BS, but it seems like there
  3. If a tent is lost/stolen or damaged who do you think the parent will hold responsible? If a flashlight is lost/stolen or damaged who do you think the parent will hold responsible? If a stove is lost/stolen or damaged who do you think the parent will hold responsible? If a compass is lost/stolen or damaged who do you think the parent will hold responsible? If an adult takes a cell phone from a scout and it is lost/stolen or damaged who do you think the parent will hold responsible? The Leader. No one is going to win this battle. I personally would not participate i
  4. I can't believe that a troop would actually confiscate something like a cell phone. Its not that big of a deal. Who gives you the right to decide if/when a scout calls home or his girldfriend. Are you telling me that you don't have any adults in the troop who call home to speak to their wives from time to time? If i was in a troop and they even tried to take my phone, I wouldnt allow it. Although I think that if this is a troop rule and i dont agree to follow it I would have to find a new troop. Just because your old and didnt have cell phones "back in the day" doesnt mean that you have to be
  5. We have burried a high-grade electrical cable underground so that one end comes up in the actual fire pit, where the wires are connected to a copper coil, and the other end leads to a car battery backstage. You take a couple books of matches and touch them to the copper coil, use plenty of twine and kindling and such. We then do a traditional native american ceremony, talking about the role of the native americans in our area. At the end of this, the person says "At last, bring Fire to our council" and someone backstage connects the cable to the battery, which (if done correctly) will cause th
  6. I think we just need to agree to disagree on this one... Granted your right, its not "just" work... but it is still work. (just a side note) I think its interesting that your camp director AND program director are both in their mid twenties. I work at a summer camp that has been in continuous operation for 86 years, and our program director began working there in the early 70's. The camp director has been around for something like 10 years prior to becoming CD, and hes in his 50's as well. Younger staff members most often do a better job of relating to the scouts, but usually
  7. If you can work at camp and "not need the money" then you should try taking off the camp goggles, and living/working in the real world for awhile... Its obvious that if you would pay to work at a camp, then you dont have a car, gas, an apartment, electricity, phoneline, food, or clothes. Its ridiculous how much we get paid. I am there to provide a top notch program for the scouts and that is all, but I could NEVER do it for free, EVER. Your lying to yourself if you think you can.
  8. Camp Parsons, longest continuously operating scout camp in the nation. Opened in 1919, and has been operating every single summer since then. http://www.seattlebsa.org/sbsa_CampingDepartment/CampingPages/CampParsons.htm (This message has been edited by a staff member.)
  9. I agree with you, although I think that it is a two-headed coin. I work at one of the most highly regarded scout camps in the nation and its mainly because of our staff. I think that on the one hand, a staff member needs to feel like the work they are doing is appreciated, and pay is a major incentive. On the other hand, I also spent some time working at a smaller camp with a smaller staff and there was more money to go around. I found that when you start jacking up the salary of a staff member, it starts to become more about the money, and less about providing a quality program for the scouts
  10. As an experienced staffer I can tell you that, yes you work hard and make little money but that's all part of the job. If you are here to make money, you might as well go apply at McDonalds cause yes they do pay minimum wage. I can honestly tell you that summeer camps do not pay anywhere NEAR minimim wage. When I was a first year staffer at age 16 I made $1.75/hour and was paid for 48 work hours per week. 7AM to about 9PM 6 days a week is 84 hours, meaning I worked 36 hours that I will not receive pay for... But I justify it knowing that working at this camp is a once in a lifetime experience
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