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Everything posted by Cheerful

  1. Can a scout have two boards of review in one night? Our troop has an older Tenderfoot boy who will be completing second and first class requirementments this week. He is asking if he can have two Scoutmaster Conferences on the same night - one for Second Class and one for First Class. Then he would like to have two Boards of Review on the same night - one for Second Class and one for First Class. Is this allowed? (This boy is 16 and has now decided that he would like to be an eagle scout. He is a great kid who has held many positions of responsibility. Our SM and Advancement Chair say h
  2. Your replies were very helpful. I realize, thanks to your replies, that the SM is frazzled and stressed and that comes out as him micromanaging and being critical. Parents get critized and then don't want to help anymore. The new parents do complain in the parking lot because the SM forgets or postpones SM conferences and getting merit badge cards is a struggle (out of stock, can't find, can't find counselor list), etc. SM and ASM do not get along - evidenced during campouts. SM wants to rotate off now that his son is almost Eagle. CC doesn't seem to respect SM.
  3. Wow! Thanks you so much for all your thoughtful, wise comments and ideas. The consensus is that this is a "leadership" issue. I couldn't put my finger on what was going on. (I thought maybe it was a "values" issue or "favoritism".) We did not look at other troops before joining (didn't realize boys did that) but there are many troops in our area. My son has met some leaders from other troops who were his Merit Badge Counselors and at summer camp. He has had really positive experiences doing merit badge work. We know other leaders from business and social situations so a diff
  4. My 11 year old son, and 9 other boys, joined the troop in Spring of 2010. There are no 12 year olds in the troop. I think the 11 year olds are being ignored. The Advancement Chair does Boards of Review only. The 16 year old Patrol Guide plays football and has not been to a meeting in months. The head SM took the spring off, looks worried all the time, doesn't seem to know the older boys' names all the time, introduced a 17 year old scout from our troop with wrong info (boys kept correcting him). (has been SM 4? years) The 13 year old SPL and ASPL are fighting all the time. I
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