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Everything posted by Matt940

  1. I was speaking of general trends, not specific individuals or families. No need to talk politics in Scouting, there's more than enough conversations to be had without resorting to small talk. In Scouting, no matter who you're with, there's plenty to talk about.
  2. This decision was not taken lightly. The BSA took a long, deep dive into the American Zeitgeist and came up Woke. It's not surprising, that's where the corporations are along with the families with the disposable income AND high community involvement. And, sure, membership will decline at first. Many folks don't like the changes and are on the way out. It will take some time before Scouting 2.0 makes its way into the public consciousness. As somebody mentioned earlier, some families are reluctant to join because Scouting has a reputation for being "red." But it won't last. There seem
  3. Sure they do, but Scouting's morals very much come from popular opinion as they seek to represent the entire nation, not any individual. Please understand this wasn't personal. It was a bloodless decision based purely on survival, there was no political agenda. They sought, as they always have, to occupy the Nation's moral center, which has moved. I'm sensing that we're on completely opposite sides of the political spectrum but we're both committed Scouters so I'll bet there's a LOT more that unites us than divides us. I hope you continue your involvement and that I meet you out on t
  4. I commend this young man for his maturity and hope that many others follow suit. Having spent 20 years in political opposition to the National Movement, I can tell you: They don't care what you think. They are moving forward with great purpose and intent and you can take it or you can leave it. A Scouting career of bitter intransigence hurts the Movement, and this guy gets that. I left 20 years ago as I felt Scouting was out of line with my values. Now I'm back for Scouting 2.0, with my kids, and couldn't be happier. I was away from Scouting long enough to know that the finest folks
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