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Everything posted by CassieLN

  1. I am also not sure about this. In the past our pack has said that a power of attorney is needed for medical care if the scout is with another adult besides the parent. I have a scout whose parents have been unwilling or unable to camp with their son for some time. I am tempted to offer tp take the boy to overnight cub camp (and have him sleep with other boys), but then I would also probably be the only adult with him while driving him there, etc, and since I am a leader I don't know if this is kosher. I am sure there wouldn't be problems/accusations, but don't know if I should go out on a limb
  2. Seven beltloops per scout per year is the norm for our pack. Even more than that can be done without difficulty. Even if a scout doesn't come to den meetings, you don't know how active he is at home. My question is: why were the belt loops not awarded throughout the year? Obviously, he didn't do them all in the last month. It is important to emphasize to parents to turn in belt loops when the child earns them so they can be recognized as soon as possible. Also, I find it gets other kids motivated ("Hey, there is a bicycling belt loop- I want to do that next week!") I have a special
  3. You said the belt loops in question were weather, citizenship and math. Below are the requirements. Only math requires a den presentation. I believe that you have to trust Akela that the other two were done. WEATHER "Complete these three requirements: Make a poster that shows and explains the water cycle. Set up a simple weather station to record rainfall, temperature, air pressure, or evaporation for one week. Watch the weather forecast on a local television station." CITIZENSHIP "Complete these three requirements: Develop a list of jobs you can do around the h
  4. I have had this issue a number of times. I would inform the parent while giving an "out"-- make it sound like you are doing your best to accomodate, but they have to meet you half way: "I see that Johnny has missed opportunities to present the poster for the citizen belt loop at the den meetings (please see requirement X in the provided link). Since the awards ceremony is next week, perhaps he could arrive 30 minutes early with the poster for an impromtu meeting with a few early arriving scouts? Otherwise, we can arrange a time for him to show the poster in the next den meeting, and
  5. I am also thinking about what to get for the Webelos 1 who will be moving up. Our Webelos II are already in BS. I was thinking of getting the BS handbook covers or a walking stick (telling them that they will need it!) or some other sort of camping gear. We have a bridge and we give the boys the rank awards before they cross the bridge and get their new uniform items. The past few years we have had a campfire ceremony. I like the idea of having each boy "frock" the next level down.
  6. I haven't been around scouting too long, but long enough to hold every position on the committee (in the same year!) and to be a Tiger Den leader and Webelos den leader, so learning on the fast track! From what I have heard around the scouting world, it is wrong to hold back awards- at any level- in order for other boys to catch up. There will be scouts who never do the necessary requirements. Does that mean that nobody can every advance?? If a boy deserves an award, he should get it at the next pack meeting he attends. It is true that Webelos den leaders need to sign off on requirements,
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