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About DocDeVivo

  • Birthday February 22

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    Not Telling
  • Location
    Jersey Shore
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  1. Looks like I can answer my own question with this article from Scouting Magazine: https://scoutingmagazine.org/2017/02/ok-complete-two-advancement-requirements-one-activity/
  2. Can earned rank requirements be used toward merit badge requirements... and vice versa?
  3. Thank you, InquisitiveScouter for that reply. Yes, Historic Trails is what I meant. Good to know that it doesn't need to be joined with a BSA trail. That opens up the possibilities quite a bit more!
  4. I'm curious if anyone has experience with - and suggestions for - earning the BSA Heritage Trail Award. As per what I've read, a troop must camp at least one night and conduct a service project on, or in the vicinity, of an historic trail that is recognized by the BSA. There is a list published here. We are fortunate that a past OA service project built an approved historic trail behind our council offices. However, in the midst of Chapter 11, the property has been sold to the local township. I've been in touch with the Mayor's office to begin the conversation about how we can set up this project. If anyone has done this before, I'd love to hear from you, please. Thanks so much!
  5. I was a den leader and gave away my old uniform when that ended. Didn't expect to be recruited as ASM by the troop, but here I am. Scout Shops (in person and online) do not carry any shirts in my size and I'm told supply issues will keep things that way for a while. But I need a uniform for upcoming events and am searching second hand. I've found a seller on FB who has used shirts with both tan and brown buttons; new shirts with tan buttons only. Are both of these acceptable? I know the brown buttons are older. Do they fit better too? I've been told the newer stuff fits differently. Thanks!
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