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Everything posted by IWasAbusedinScouting

  1. I'll give you a good example in my mind, of the disconnect with reality. Happening right here, right now, on this very forum. Apparently, the post response I made to the erroneous Bill Gates photo was removed? How can a group like yours move forward and claim to be about decency and humanity, when a sitting board member of the BSA is a war criminal? Robert Gates has blood on his hands. The blood of innocents. Do the innocent dead in Iraq mean nothing to the person that removed my reply? EVERYTHING going wrong with our country today, is a direct result of this lie that took us to war and took so many lives. Over oil. And defense contracts. We have failed to teach our children that war is a racket and a scam and is detrimental to all life on our precious and fragile planet. Certainly this is just like hiding the Perversion files from the public. I have to go now. Won't be back to reply for awhile, as I contemplate and investigate further what this organization is teaching our children today.
  2. "My only defense of the BSA, in terms of their actions in bankruptcy, is that bankruptcy is a horrible way to address child sex abuse liability." To me, it isn't about the venue so much as it is about the coverup and denial, which in of itself allowed for the sexual abuse of boys to continue.
  3. Thank you. I appreciate that and acknowledge your life experience as well. Peace.
  4. Speaking as a victim of Boy Scout sexual abuse, and a hold out debtor in the bankruptcy proceedings, I would gladly take ZERO dollars in compensation for what I went through, if it meant the BSA dissolves and is never allowed to reform as it currently exists. And for the national leaders to be held accountable for what they did and continue to do to survivors of their organizations rampant sexual abuse over time, of children under their care. Asking for only one sexual abuse survivor on their board that has so many members on it is just more proof that the people running the national office are only interested in protecting their corporate fiefdom. DECENCY isn't negotiated in front of a judges bench. They should have came to the bench with their decency in hand, on paper. Instead, they thrown crumbs at the problem and wonder why many people see them as unethical and inhumane.
  5. Sounds like wishful thinking, trying to keep a failed organization afloat. One that has caused irreparable harm to myself and thousands of other men. This proceeding has been like being raped all over again. Specifically because of the actions of the BSA itself, their insurers and these lawyers as well, paying lip service to what we went through, while greedily exploiting us for their own gain. In my opinion, the organization is fascistic and it's founder was a rabid woman hater and possible pedophile himself. I could regale you with the story of my life after the abuse, how if affected me and still does to this very day. The mistrust. The isolation. The self-sabotage. The complete loss of self-esteem. The nightmares. But who cares, right? Not the BSA. By their own actions in this proceeding is how I judge them. Hey, did you know that besides being raped by several of my Scouting leaders when I was a child in the late 60s, early 70s, I also had to endure a weekly ritual at Scouting meetings? If you "misbehaved" during the meeting, you had to run "the gauntlet" at meetings end. Where your fellow sadistic boy scouts pals stood in a long line and whipped you with their tough boy scout belts as you ran by. The scout leaders in my troop made sure you took off your shirt off first too. And that is what finally saved me from the abuse and torture; coming home with welts and bruises on my back and legs from the gauntlet whippings and my mother finally removing me from Scouting. Not the sexual abuse, which I was too ashamed and afraid to tell my mother about. You know the whippings were to instill some manhood in you, just to toughen you up. Get you ready for life. To be a good solider later on. So you eventually could become cannon fodder for the wars for profit mobsters Don't tell me about the good the BSA does. My life isn't a crack for decency and humanity to fall through. But to the BSA, it is. And they've left me and thousands of others behind and they wish we would just go off somewhere and die. Not because of their words. The lip service. But by their very actions in this bankruptcy proceeding.
  6. Sir, I find your comments juvenile, vile and disgusting. You certainly disgrace the few decent people I have personally spoke with who are still trying to defend the organization as being still worth-while, in light of all that has happened in regard to rampant sexual abuse by Scouting leaders for decades. Tim has been on my side for almost ten years, as I waited for some modicum of justice, after being sexually abused by three of my adult Scouting leaders but finding myself outside of "the law" (limitations stats) and it's inability to hold my abusers accountable for their crimes. I went to the Boy Scouts back then, not now. Back then being 2013. And what did they do? After waiting on the phone for almost 20 minutes, they transferred me over to one of their attorneys. Because THAT is what they cared about the most, the legal ramifications of their actions, not the moral ones. I see people in this thread bemoaning AIS and the sheer number of claims. I will have you know that many more boys in my own troop were being sexually abused and yet they never came forward and will never come forward, for reasons some of you dispassionate creeps will never understand. The shame of it all. I have even recently spoken with two of them. People I hadn't talked with in years. And they were willing to talk with me but they will never come forward for reasons many of you will never understand. The unwillingness to involve themselves in something they have deeply buried their whole lives. My life was ruined. My self-esteem shot. Can you imagine? Unless its happened to you, you cannot ever understand it. And the lack of empathy and understanding I have seen right here in this forum, belittles the notion that Scouting is a decent organization, instilling moral fiber in our youth.
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