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About Dave951

  • Rank
    Junior Member

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  • Interests
    Muzzleloading competition, woodworking, carpentry, history
  • Biography
    Former Asst Scoutmaster. Two sons made Eagle. Currently volunteering in Scouting Shooting Sports events as an NRA Certified Muzzleloading Instructor.

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  1. We finally have the logistics fairly nailed down. On 11/19-21, the Yadkin Valley Rangers will be holding the last 2 classes for becoming an NRA Certified Muzzleloading Instructor. Basic Instructor Training begins on Friday evening at 6p at the Training Center at Camp Raven Knob. Class will continue into Muzzleloading Instructor and finish on afternoon of 11/21. Cost for the class is $150 for both classes and includes materials, meals and lodging at the Training Center. Prior completion of Basic Muzzleloading is required. These two classes are aimed at helping the knowledgeable muzzleloading
  2. Thanks for the reply. We're going to offer the entire 3 courses starting with Basic Muzzleloading on 10/9 at Camp Raven Knob. The next two will be on the weekend of 11/20 and last all day Saturday and Sunday, also at CRK. The process as you've outlined is correct for a single discipline like Rifle. In the world of Muzzleloading, it's different. First is Basic Muzzleloading and it will cover safety, history and how to load and shoot BP rifles, handguns, and shotguns. In short, it covers 3 guns where the other courses cover only one. The Basic Instructor Training is the same for every discipline
  3. To work in Scouting muzzleloading, you must hold the NRA Muzzleloading Instructor Certification. Some of you got it at camp school but I bet my last dollar on my dying breath you did not get the education you really need to be effective. A group of us black powder competition shooters have gotten the certification. We've seen "instructors" who were shake n baked at camp school. To have a truly effective, fun and safe program, the instructor must be extremely knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the subject and that's probably not happening in a day at camp school. So our group is organized not
  4. I've spent two summers now volunteering as a Muzzleloading Instructor in a couple camps and this is how I see the state of affairs. First off, certified Muzzleloading Instructors are a rare bunch. Of those I've seen, only those in my little corner of muzzleloading instructors were actual muzzleloading enthusiasts and/or competitors. How in the hockey sticks do you think a Scout will think this is fun if the instructor isn't into it? Kids aren't dumb. They can see right through you given some time. So did you get the cert just to get the job? How exactly is that going to benefit the Scout?
  5. Saltine is a smaller target. Ritz at 25yd presents about the same aspect ratio as an 8moa black. Hardtack is way too easy. They're more fun at 100yd with the howitzer.
  6. So far, all our instructors are North South Skirmish Association competitors and we are quite well versed in minie ball accuracy. We aren't reenactors, we shoot live ammunition for score, including artillery. I can personally vouch for that as I'm on a 6lb rifled howitzer crew. In our effort, we have donated powder and caps from Schuetzen. We had 5 muskets donated to augment our own collections of muzzleloaders. There are a couple of "sutlers" who cater to the Civil War small arms collector and competitor who provide logistic support to keep those muskets running. One of our members does prese
  7. Here's a couple pix from the range- The day starts with a safety brief and a quick history lesson Then on to the fun part Best shot of the summer at Camp Raven Knob that year, an 11yo daughter of a Scoutmaster Evenings that first year were an open shoot at the main range back in the camp. Lots of ammo expended, much fun was had by the Scouts.
  8. I started my involvement with BSA back in the late 60s with Troop 134 in Charlotte, NC. The troop fell apart, I found the "fumes" and went my way, but later my dad (our Asst Scoutmaster) told me the real reason the troop failed- adults not committed to the future of the kids. So as my sons became old enough to get into Scouting, I got involved right with them with Troop 415 Old Hickory Council in NC. They made Eagle, one with palms. Of their friends in the troop, all of them made Eagle. Each of those young men has had amazing lives as adults in their career fields. The reason, we had a cadre o
  9. Want to see what we have been up to at CRK? https://www.muzzleloadingforum.com/threads/so-heres-what-weve-been-up-to.115764/#post-1582379 https://www.muzzleloadingforum.com/threads/were-back-at-it.133586/ https://www.muzzleloadingforum.com/threads/deep-in-the-woods-near-cripple-creek-at-mountain-man-camp.134409/ And want to get involved in the fun? Well, we're holding the first of a three part course needed to work in muzzle loading shooting sports in Scouting. Here's a link to that. https://www.muzzleloadingforum.com/threads/basic-mu
  10. Just to say howdy from NC. I'm not new to Scouting as I was in the BSA as a youngster and later was Asst Scoutmaster in my sons troop. I'm back active again as a Certified Instructor in the Shooting Sports side.
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