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Everything posted by VinceABQ

  1. I'm an Sandia Asst District Commissioner, one of my Unit Commissioners owns Cedar Crest Tire
  2. I'm ex-DOE and used to work on KAFB also. That's a good idea about a project. I'm a story teller, so here's one from ScouterMag I got years ago that's an E Prep Project There was a Troop in a Kansas city what had a lot of Vietnamese boys. A Viet family in town had died because they use a charcoal BBQ inside. The Viet Scouts personally called every Viet sounding name in the telephone book and explained the risks to people in their own language.
  3. I'm an Counselor for E Prep. Rqmt 7a is easily met by participation in a school fire or shooter drill. But what do I do with a home schooled boy? I tried to connect to our county E Dept, they said they were going to do a drill now (Balloon Fiesta) but never got back to me, even when I emailed them in advance. I'm looking for a way to meet the rqmt that doesn't rely of the county govt, got any suggestions? Contact me at HH-Co7@comcast.net Vince, Albuquerque
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