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Posts posted by GrubKnot

  1. I'll offer my experience/observation at the Cub level, since my boys didn't continue past AOL. I was DL or ADL for both boys during their Cub years. Sometimes I felt bad during some activities due to not always being able to assist my boys while assisting other scouts/parents.  I don't think that's the reason neither decided to continue scouting but maybe/might/coulda been a better experience. On the plus side, both boys where always up to date on requirements & never late for meetings or campouts.

  2. I've seen this on a few memes, think it applies here.

    "History isn't there for you to like or dislike. It's there for you to learn from it. If it offends you, that's even better, because then you're less likely to repeat it. It's not yours to erase or destroy."

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  3. On 7/1/2021 at 5:16 PM, LaraG03 said:

    I came here to get some honest opinions on the new Cub program, because what I was reading on scoutmaster.org seemed...odd.  My eldest was a Cub and is now an Eagle, but my youngest is getting ready to join the program as a Lion this fall.  I was the Den Leader for all 5 years for my eldest, and he'd crossed over before the program changed.  But from what I've read so far, I can believe this is true.  My son got bored 13 years ago.  We'll probably attend a few Den meetings and such but I'm wondering if he should just wait until Webelos or Scouts to start, rather than having him bored.

    As ADL & DL for both of my boys from tiger to AOL, ( the youngest earned AOL in 2019) and in hindsight, I wouldn't join CS till the wolf year at the earliest. The journey from Lion to AOL is loooong and burnout is a thing for both scouts & leaders. Somewhere on another thread is a discussion about changes that could benefit Cubs.  Just guessing from your post, your family is probably active in outdoor pursuits (camping, hiking, etc.) I would say wait till webelos, your youngest scout will be excited for the new adventures.

  4. Somewhere above I commented that a scout leader staying on after their scout has moved on could be good or bad. If your Pack/Troop has a dedicated leader who is passionate about scouting, that's fantastic. Keep them around, learn from them & absorb some of that passion. But have a succession plan.

    I have experience with organizations with "entrenched" leadership where the "my way or the highway" or "that's the way we've always done it" mentality is rampant.

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  5. I'm curious  about the number of incidents of abuse at the Pack level versus the Troop level. I would guess more at the Troop level due to greater parental involvement in Packs. Since my scouter experience is at the Pack level I can only offer up some things that seemed to have worked there. Both of my boys went from Tiger to AOL in a fairly large Pack. (85-100 scouts). When we joined, all of the leaders were men (nothing against women, just how it was), almost all (75%) were members of the CO (Catholic church, we were not) and probably half were Eagles. Also ,in addition to BSA's volunteer application & background check, the CO required a background check w/ three character references and attendance of their own youth protection class. (mandatory for before you could be a leader). And there weren't any leaders that didn't have at least one scout in the Pack. I know that set-up wasn't planned, it just happened, but maybe there are some take-aways from it.

    There is only so much that the BSA can do as far as vetting leaders (background checks & YPT). I think in  the vetting of leaders/volunteers will/should fall mainly on the CO.

    Some things the CO should maybe consider when evaluating a new leader:

    Are you a member of the CO?

    Do you have scouting experience?

    Character references?

    Scout In the Pack/Troop?

    CO YPT?

    I know Troops sometimes have leaders who stay on after their scout/s have aged out, and you occasionally here about a SM who has been around for decades. I can see the good & bad about that.

    for your consideration, YIS



  6. Not a SM, but as a DL for my youngest son sometimes i felt like he was getting short-changed. During some meetings where parents assisted their scouts in some activity I couldn't always assist him due to checking on everyone else. The  few meetings that he didn't attend, I think where easier for me.( Is that bad?) In hindsight it may have been better for him to be in a different den. He liked that i was his den leader, but I think his scout experience could've been better.

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  7. The pack my boys & I where part of encouraged wearing the uniform but didn't ding anyone for not having all of the official parts. We were happier that you showed up than if you had all the pieces. Remember they are cub scouts. As for the blue VS tan  for Webelos, I told my scouts (parents) not to buy the tan shirt until they outgrew the blue. From what I experienced, most scouts out grew the blue shirt by the middle of the webelo year anyway. As far as I remember all of the scouts in each of my boys dens had a full official tan/green uniform by the time they were AOL. Cubs seem to "get it" about uniforms when they reach the webelo level & start interacting with troops.

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