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BBQ last won the day on May 14 2020

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About BBQ

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    Eagle Scout

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  1. My son's troop is not in any of those counties, and they are heading to a Circle Ten summer camp, so even if you interpret "local" to mean a council, they are not trying to accomplish that. I think the CDC left "local" vague so that it could appropriately be defined for every situation. That unfortunately assumed that a person working towards the same goals was doing the interpretation. In some areas, local = city is too large. Consider the area and population of Houston. In other places, you could put several counties together and you wouldn't reach the population in one neighborho
  2. I've listened to the presentations from Circle Ten on Scout summer camps. I agree with your assessment; I wasn't impressed either. The leadership seems to belong to the group that doesn't appreciate the severity of COVID-19 and the ease in spreading it. They are insistent on moving forward, but they don't have a plan, and are not following the CDC draft guidelines. They told us that masks were optional since the camp was in a county that didn't require it. They fail to understand that the mask isn't to protect against the land but from all of the people coming from around Texas, not
  3. This difference between family camping and hiking and patrol camping is that a family comes from the same family and household. A family will have already infected each other at home. With a group, there is a potential for one person to spread it to others and then they all return and spread it to more people. While Scouting might be about the outdoors, there are still situations that lead to close contact which leads to transmission of the virus, such as travelling to and from the campsite in the same car, cooking with the same utensils, using a single camp wide restroom, sharing a tent,
  4. Here is a list of questions that I think that camps should be able to provide to parents. Some may imply conditions in my state and not appropriate to all. What parties and governing authorities influencing summer camp decisions, whether that is to proceed at all, and what alterations to procedures will be made? What guidelines are around no/go parameters for camps in regards to infection control and the virus? The President and Governor has outlined a multi-phase program for re-opening the state and businesses. Under what phases do you feel it is viable to open camp? What
  5. Are BSA and local councils being good citizens, helpful to others, courteous to vulnerable members of society, and kind to others by proceeding forward with summer camps? The Circle Ten Trevor Reeves-Jones Scout Camp, and I imagine others, have said they intended to proceed forward with camp this summer, but they don’t offer any mitigation plans for dealing with COVID-19. Perhaps I am the only one whole feels odd while filling out medical forms A, B, C with questions about more fortunately uncommon diseases in the US, and yet there is no check box for the COVID-19 immunization (which I kn
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