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Everything posted by logistician24

  1. Again, I would like to thank everyone for their valuable input/insight, it is most helpful to me. I sent an email to the SM to inform him of an upcoming meeting with the UC, COR, CC ASMs because too much time has already passed and I don't want the boys that came forward to feel like they went unheard. Not to mention, to hold the Scout, with the unscoutlike behavior, accountable.
  2. Thank you all for the responses, input and guidance. Knowing what I know now, I feel like I have the confidence to push for the three month suspension at the upcoming Committee meeting. So you all know, I am the Committee Chair and I feel like the other board members never want to see or hear what really goes on. They only look through rose colored glasses and make excuses for behaviors. I am unfamiliar with what a DE is, so if someone could please let me know, that would be great. Also, is there refresher training I can take, or is it easier to repeat the online leadership training? I told the SM at summer camp, I would support his decision, with the understanding that I was standing firm on his mom picking him up. The reasoning for her not to was because we were out of council and about a four hour drive. I know......no excuse. The SM said, on what firm grounds do we have to send him home other than two Scouts coming forward with information and taking his lighter. I realize this was a week ago and over and done with, I just wish I had stuck firm and insisted he go home. I am grateful/relieved to read that there is agreement to being a Scout 24/7 and the Scouts should live by the Scout Law/Oath. I go to all the camping events because of an incident that took place last year with my son being cyber-bullied and bullied at meetings by some of them. I feel the need to keep a good watchful eye on the boys. I think good Boy Scout leaders are developed by good Adult Leaders. However, I keep getting told to not interject and redirect.....it's boy lead so let them lead. I guess I am not sure what my boundaries are and I do not want to overstep. Thank you all for allowing me this opportunity to tell you my situation.
  3. There has been an issue I have noticed over the past year pertaining to one of our Scouts in particular. He is an older scout both in rank and age and shows no respect to adult leadership nor to his fellow Scouts. He also has been accused of smoking "pot". This allegedly happened during the outside "recess" time given to our Scouts after the formal portion of the meeting at our charted organization location. The parent that reported him chose to not send her son to Summer Camp this year mainly because of this Scout and his antics. The Scoutmaster addressed this concern with the Scout and his mother and the accusation was denied by the Scout. However, when the Scoutmaster and the mom were speaking she told him that they give him at him drug tests; some of which he passes and some of which he fails. Now, I have been told by one of my Committee members that what happens outside of Scouts stays outside of Scouts. My argument is that once a Scout-always a Scout and there is no timeline, meaning they are not Scouts only on Monday evenings from 7-8:30pm, weekend trips and summer camps, they are Scouts 24/7. I pretty much got bombarded with everyone arguing against me so I chose to stand-down. Can I get clarification on that thought? This year at Summer Camp, the Scout in question told younger Scouts, both in rank and age, that he has THC with him and that he stole items from the Trading Post. Once I found out I asked the 2 boys to speak with the Scoutmaster. After the two boys spoke with the SM, we had a Leaders meeting to which I suggested he call the mom and let her know what's going on. I also suggested that she pick him up from summer camp. After he spoke with her the other Assistant Scoutmaster reported that the Scout was attempting to start a fire with matches inside an unattended fire ring also not our main fire ring and he was also shining a laser pointer through the woods. Again, the SM call the mom, and insisted she come first thing in the morning to pick him up. She insisted giving him a second chance, little did she remember he was attending summer camp on a second chance. It was specifically stated that if the Scout misbehaves so much so to cause disruption and or brings items from the "do not pack list", the parent is responsible for picking them up from camp. He was given another second chance. The boys that told us what that Scout was saying he did, were now afraid of retaliation and also concerned that nothing was being done. Also a younger Scout mentioned that he doesn't feel safe when that Scout is around him. I am going to bring up to the Committee that we suspend him for three months. My concern is that some of the members seem to turn a blind eye and say "oh boys will be boys" and make light of it. I think that also is because they are friends of his parents and no one wants to be the bad guy or affiliated with enforcing our handbook policy. With this long story, I am sure I left something out, but I am reaching out for your guidance and suggestions moving forward. Thank you!
  4. I signed up about a few minutes ago and wanted to say a quick hello! I am new to forums and from what I read, everyone has great input. I have some questions that I would like guidance on but I will get to that later on once I compile my list. As I stated, I just wanted to introduce myself. Thank you.
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