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  1. I wanted to start off by apologizing if this isn't the right place for this question. Also, I am not a member of BSA, but rather a Polish Boy Scout in America. I am a Troop leader and the theme for this year for the troop is World War I. The kids in my troop are aged 11-14. I wanted to do a history lesson next week about the causes of the War including: Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism. I know that the best way to teach is through games, and I was wondering if you guys had any ideas for a game about the causes of the war? I was thinking of explaining the messy and entangling alliances( Germany allied with Austria, Russia with Serbia), by doing a sort of variation on the "Human Knot", where a group has to hold hands and untangle themselves. However, I think this might be slightly too simple. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  2. I wanted to start off by apologizing if this isn't the right place for this question. Also, I am not a member of BSA, but rather a Polish Boy Scout in America. I am a Troop leader and the theme for this year for the troop is World War I. The kids in my troop are aged 11-14. I wanted to do a history lesson next week about the causes of the War including: Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism. I know that the best way to teach is through games, and I was wondering if you guys had any ideas for a game about the causes of the war? I was thinking of explaining the messy and entangling alliances( Germany allied with Austria, Russia with Serbia), by doing a sort of variation on the "Human Knot", where a group has to hold hands and untangle themselves. However, I think this might be slightly too simple. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  3. Hello again, disclaimer that I'm a member of the polish boy scouts, not BSA. During this year's camp, many scouts will be going for a badge that requires some knowledge of Polish Geography and History. I have been tasked with planning out the camp, and would like to prepare them somewhat before they test for the badge I already have some ideas for games to teach history, but now am looking for a good way to teach Geography to the kids. I would want to teach them important cities, rivers, the sea, and mountains. I was thinking of making a big map with dots where all the cities are, but I'm not sure how feasible that would be/ how to turn that into a fun game for the scouts. Any ideas?
  4. Sorry if this post is against the rules, as I am not a member of BSA but rather Polish boy scouts in America, ZHP. Our annual summer camp is next month and I was appointed "Planner", so I must make the schedule and plan for the whole 2-week camp. The theme of the camp will be medieval times. So far, I have been able to come up with about a week of scheduling, but am running low on ideas for big activities that we could incorporate into the camp. I was hoping that you guys could give me some ideas for activities that stick with the theme of Medieval Times. So far, I have come up with doing an archery tournament, 1v1 fencing, war game involving fencing in teams of 5, jousting tournament off zip lines, and jousting in the water aka Chicken-Fighting. Any help would me much appreciated :D
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