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Everything posted by Mattosaurus

  1. So when I complete this form and send it to the office, will it even get signed in the first place? Of course I’d attach a note explaining what had happened, but since I didn’t sign the form before I started fundraising, do we think that form will still go through? That is what the majority of my concern stems from.
  2. Thank you all for the replies! So since the beneficiary is essentially collecting the funds, do I even need the application? There is one other loophole, because of course nothing can be simple in life. People have been handing me money in person, since they don’t feel comfortable doing so online or they’re not old enough to have a bank account in which they could do so. I have then been donating that money to the website. Will this change anything? Because the Scout is then donating to his own project and that is allowed to be done without the need for a packet. Also, everyone
  3. Hello Everyone! My Eagle Scout project is set to take place this Saturday, February 17th. For those curious, I'm organizing a group of about 50 volunteers that are getting a semi truck of dehydrated ingredients sent to my school cafeteria. For two hours we will be packaging the ingredients into individual meals, boxing them up, and then sending them throughout the world to those in need, especially schools in Africa. Over 10,000 meals will be made. Sounds fine and dandy, right? So this costs a lot of money (almost 3k), however, I'm not worried about that part. I'm very close to reach
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