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Posts posted by buffalo2

  1. DS you had to mention saurkraut and I got to thinking of a big ol' spicy mett with that sacred vegetable topping... And the Midwesterner in me must think about a happy and healthy ear of fresh corn - but Heaven forbid I'm digressing!

    Interesting thread though; I'd not thought of the barbeque folks as a radical element before (2CubDad your mental picture has been revised somewhat) and firmly believe that sweet tea was created by a marketing department in an effort to dispose of an industrial byproduct of some sort.

    Comes to mind that this is classic Scouting; making the best of something that wasn't quite what was anticipated, and having a good time with it regardless...(This message has been edited by buffalo2)

  2. Our Council has recently opened up the Cubs-only Pow Wow and turned it into the University of Scouting. Includes some outdoor skills demonstrations and is primarily intended for adults and leaders, with an occasional Den Chief training and the like thrown in. Well attended, with a strong emphasis on using Scouts to teach wherever they can. An excellent program!

  3. Shields up

    Craneace: Would seem to me that if you were really wanting to learn a bit about the religuous beliefs that people attach (a great deal of) value to you'd consider reading a bit about their religuous practices, meeting them in person, and visiting their (yes their) churches - Perhaps consider introducing yourself to their Scout leaders?

    But sitting in front of a computer attached to a bulletin board and trolling for responses is perhaps not the best method of conducting objective research...

    Just a thought

  4. Would you drive away as many as you might attract with too much attention on one theme? Most of the Crews that I encounter just call it High Adventure and they each interpret that differently, and many of them work in faith-based activities from time to time...

    Certainly nothing wrong with Youth Ministry, but might be too small a group to apply that sharp a focus?

  5. While I don't remember the details clearly (too much oxygen down here I think) had some discussion last year at Philmont about the jumping turtle - didn't move often but occasionally would dive from cliffs and glide for miles. Just look at that clean aerodynamic profile and smooth underbelly for skid landings. About 10 more attributes and talk fast enough and got away with it until the next turtle!

    Had to be there I guess...

  6. Hardly sage advice but here goes again - We're big fans of Eureka tents; they last and last. We buy the 4-man flavor and they're a bit large to backpack with unless you can get 3 Scouts in one. Newer version has doors on both ends and a vestibule; pretty sweet. We get ours from CampMor at a reasonable price; the 10% Scout discount covers shipping. Good luck

  7. Hops seems to be making the point that there are some aspects of the Advancement Chair's job that a youth could do. While we don't see it often perhaps, and it's somewhat out of the mainstream Scout jobs, I'd have to give it some thought if the right combination of Scout/adult could be arrived at.

    Talent is too precious to squander at any age!

  8. Must emphasize something that Saltheart and several others have touched on; that while its great to have a lot of trained and motivated adults they must concentrate on supporting the Scouts that are doing (or could be doing) those jobs. Of course its more difficult to work through the boys but thats the most important part of the job!

  9. Way back when we'd put a few favorite activity patches on the inside of our sash - made for some trick sewing but good for developing the small motor skills! Pretty cool we thought...

  10. Why do you have to select those adults right now? Don't know what your timetable looks like, but might be able to work as an expanded crew on conditioning and pre-runs. As you get closer the problem might resolve itself... Would be nice to have a gentlemen's agreement regarding a fair way to make the choice though!

  11. While I don't spend a lot of time at these exalted levels, I must take exception to the under 22 part of that; thought on one's 21st birthday that they were to fill out an adult app and be welcomed into a new crowd.


    The other thing that jumps out; not so sure of the dedication that I'd expect from a youth (or an adult for that matter) that was asked to 'agree to resign upon request' While it sort of goes without saying, that #11 seems just a little blunt.


    And would have to agree that having this presented without some Venturer input and involvement in the creation is asking a bit much as well - but doesn't anybody on the office side work with these mysterious youth? They're capable of lots more than blind obedience...

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