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Posts posted by KeystoneCubmaster

  1. Our church only charters our pack.  We send most of our boys to a Troop chartered by a different church of the same denomination.   I was new to Scouting when we started the pack, and it wasn't until my older son crossed over and I got involved with his Troop did I realize that a Chartered Org Rep was not really a day-to-day operational position.  The Chartered Org rep's son joined another Troop, and my sense is that there is not as big a role for him as he would like.

    Maybe I will sit down with him and the incoming CM- with  peach cobbler- to see if he would agree to move on.

  2. I am the Cubmaster of a fairly new (5 years old), but large (58 kids) Pack at my church.  I will be handing over  the CM reigns to another parent next year as my youngest son crosses over.  Our Committee Chair is doing the same thing for the same reason.  We have a replacement identified for her as well.  We have a great bunch of den leaders, and a couple of  dependable committee members, including a treasurer, so the Pack is in good shape.

    The fly in the ointment is our Chartered Org Rep.  He helped to organize the Pack with me and our CC.  He was a den leader for his son's den, and his son crossed over last year.  Instead of moving on to be  involved with his son's Troop, he's stayed on with the Pack, expanding the Chartered Org Rep role.  He is an older father, and is a stickler for rules and regulations.   He got into arguments with several fathers at  the Pinewood Derby last year over axle issues.   He insists that everyone fill out waiver forms when dens visit grocery stores (for  Cast Iron Chef, etc.).  He interrupts our otherwise lively  Pack meetings with 15 minute BSA PowerPoint presentations.

    All this is to say that he has contributed a lot to the Pack, but the incoming CM has asked how we can get the Chartered Org  rep to step down and move on.  He rubs a lot of the families the wrong way, and full 30% of our time is spent putting out his fires.

    Any thoughts on getting him to agree to step down?   If he won't, is there anyway to force him down?  Could the pastor just pick another chartered org rep?

  3. Boy talks in the classroom = strong packs.  Our pack was founded two years ago because the DE gave such a great talk to the boys in our parish school.  He comes back every year and every year we have even more Tigers.

  4. Just got back from camping two nights with our Webelos Dens at our local BSA Camp.  We spent half the time cooking/working on pins/singing around the campfire.  


    But the other half of the time, the boys just ran in the woods.  Each Den built a fort.  Some boys brought fishing rods, and fished in the lake.  Other boys dug for worms.  


    So I would schedule a few things, but the most important thing about Cub Scouting camping is to give boys a chance to run in the woods.

  5. We are a fairly new den, but each year we have an initial Pack meeting for new scouts and their families.  Our Wolf and Bear DLs take the boys outside for a game that teaches them the Cub Scout Sign, handshake, etc.  The CM and the Webelos DLs talk to the parents about Scouting.   And then we tell them we can only have a Tiger Den if one of you agrees to be the Den Leader.


    Then their sons come back in, thrilled with all their new knowledge and excited about Scouts.  And then we let the Tiger Den parents sort it out.  And one always volunteers and the rest agree to help that person.

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