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Posts posted by BSA470Firstaider

  1. I am teaching first years, but my objection is I that BSA varies so greatly from the current accepted standard. Point of reference snake bite BSA mentions nothing about wrapping the bitten are to slow blood circulation and there are many others. As a medic is it really in my best intrest to teach a group of scouts who someday may use this to save someones life the wrong thing?

  2. I have a question to pose to everyone in this forum. I have an ASM who while I was teaching first aid stopped me and "corrected me" using the scout handbook, telling me BSA is right and I am wrong. What would you do? The first aid mb book tells you in the instructors note to use the newest information. Do you use the newest or the book I teach both and explain where SBA is wrong/outdated.





  3. If my profile is missing, it is because of a computer problem when I last updated it yesterday changing SPL, to JASM... I have no control over the system, and frankly fail to see what if anything that has to do with this topic

  4. Okay, now I get to defend myself. First off I did not call anyone stupid, I called his comments stupid, meaning as defined by websters 5th edition dictionary pointless; worthless, meaning his entire sexist point of view isn't needed. The context of which the word stupid arose was in reference to his anti-female policy. I apologize for any disrespect it may have come across as, I would never slander, or insult an adult...but I have one question, had I left my age out how many people reading this post would have agreed?


    Boy Scouts has many ill warented views, both anti-female, anti-african american (and yes they do I live next to DC, and I see the way they are treated), and judging by these posts and my eperience, anti-youth run which is the entire basis of socuting. Scouters have a different job from scouts for a reason, its so the boys can lead the troop, patrol, etc... and the adults can cover health and safety, and even that can be boy led seeing as I am part of our emergency services explorer post. Every year at the camp that I am SPL for for our council I see the same thing. Adults complaining about women in camp, and adults trying to tell me because they are older they know more, and FOG said I haven't lived enough to see, well at the same time I will bet that he hasn't done the same things as me. So were even?...no, but we all have our ups and downs...well at this point I feel like since I'm a youth I might as well go back with all the other youth who don't care because each and everytime a "kid" or a "MTV junkie" or a "punk" try's to join a discussion they become bashed, and brutalized...Well maybe it's my fault for caring to much, or maybe it's scouter.com's for not having a special youth section where we can be alone I don't know but this is getting sadder by the day.



    A 16 year old "brat","MTV junkie", and "punk" who also happens to be VIGIL, part of EMS, JASM, and an overall seeing the number of times I have been cited for volunteering and community service a good citizen, but what do I know anymore...

  5. First of all FOG you edited your message to slow, and I saw the bit about i'll take it from an adult but not from you.


    Why's it really matter how old I am if I am right?


    I'm sorry if you don't like being wrong, or you don't like a youth voicing his opinion. If the members of this forum feel I am out of line let them make it known whereas I will be able to correct myself, otherwise I fail to see why you continue to be part of a movement you no longer seek to accept.

  6. Well FOG has spoken again, I remember this same argument about a year a go, some people just don't seem to grow out of the pre World War age where women were meant to run the household and thats it. Well BSA just like the World Wars needs good citizens to run its program. And just like in the World Wars they have branched out to women. So...Whats your point other than you wanna make stupid ill warented comments.


    Women do belong in scouting and not just to balance checkbooks. I hate to break it to people but where do you think babies come from...(hint: it wasn't a storke). Women have just as much of a right and responsibility to the Cub and Boy Scouting program.


    Women add a second viewpoint, they give scouts a motherly figure to go to, and overall they know the same amount if not more outdoor information. Over the years as a scout (yes thats right i'm 16) I have seen a lot of ignorance. A very close scouter friend who was like a second mom to me ran a camp for several years, and she was a woman.


    In reference to the estrogen comment, you wouldn't be here if estrogen didn't exist, and while as it would be a more accepting world, you wouldn't be here.


    Finally, before I manage to type my brains out into this some of the best people i've met through boy scouts have been female both adult and youth. My girlfriend is a venterer, and is one of the most accepting people I know.


    So in conclusion FOG, grow up and look around. Theres a good chance that heaven forbid you get hit by a semi and FD and EMS rolls onto scene and a woman gives u the breath of air thats saves you or discharges 300 Joules of electricity precisely into your heart to save your life and regain your pulse. Think about everyday life, look around, women can do the same things men can and possibly do them better.


    So take a look around before you make another comment.

  7. Well FOG has spoken again, I remember this same argument about a year a go, some people just don't seem to grow out of the pre World War age where women were meant to run the household and thats it. Well BSA just like the World Wars needs good citizens to run its program. And just like in the World Wars they have branched out to women. So...Whats your point other than you wanna make stupid ill warented comments.


    Women do belong in scouting and not just to balance checkbooks. I hate to break it to people but where do you think babies come from...(hint: it wasn't a storke). Women have just as much of a right and responsibility to the Cub and Boy Scouting program.


    Women add a second viewpoint, they give scouts a motherly figure to go to, and overall they know the same amount if not more outdoor information. Over the years as a scout (yes thats right i'm 16) I have seen a lot of ignorance. A very close scouter friend who was like a second mom to me ran a camp for several years, and she was a woman.


    In reference to the estrogen comment, you wouldn't be here if estrogen didn't exist, and while as it would be a more accepting world, you wouldn't be here.


    Finally, before I manage to type my brains out into this some of the best people i've met through boy scouts have been female both adult and youth. My girlfriend is a venterer, and is one of the most accepting people I know.


    So in conclusion FOG, grow up and look around. Theres a good chance that heaven forbid you get hit by a semi and FD and EMS rolls onto scene and a woman gives u the breath of air thats saves you or discharges 300 Joules of electricity precisely into your heart to save your life and regain your pulse. Think about everyday life, look around, women can do the same things men can and possibly do them better.


    So take a look around before you make another comment.

  8. Correct me if i'm wrong but i thought it was National's policy that you can't use scouting related items on the air. there have been several cases wherer National has sued companies for using BSA stuff in commercials. I wonder if BSA is aware that this is going on (or at least did they know before it happened) This could turn out interesting



  9. You shouls look for national parks to stay at. There are a lot of places very close to the metro, which if your scouts have never been on will entertain them. This will take you right to where ever you want to go within walking distance and you don't have to deal with DC traffic. If you need details pm me, i live in MD and go to DC a lot.



  10. Hey,


    Welcome. Ordeal is the begining it's not like highschool freshman are lowely lol ordeal members are just begining their journey. If you live by the scout oath and law someday you too might become vigil. I just went up for vigil (i'm 16), and I must find those who created my indian name. It's Amendchewagan Sachgachtoon... it translates to Stubborn Cook...not that thats me at all.... ;)


    Anywayz, is anyone in here on ceremonies or dance team?



  11. FOG,


    A scout is... The scout law, something created to show scouts like myself what the ideal citizen is.


    Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, Reverent these are the 12 points of the scout law. I can honestly state how you have broken all of them.


    Trustworthy-You can't be trusted because you always lie, such as making up this whole whiney post.

    Loyal-You aren't loyal to fellow scouters in holding to the ideals of scouting.

    Helpful-Your posts aren't helpful in anyway to adding to the scouting movement, or anything for that matter.

    Friendly-Your rude to everyone, the complete opposite of a grown man.

    Courteous-Your rude and ignorant when you post anything/everything.

    Kind-You treat everyone but yourself as lower than you.

    Obedient-You ignore fellow scouts/scouters, as well as administrators when they tell you to change your attitudes or leave.

    Cheerful-This is a side of you we have yet to see.

    Thrifty-You waste power running your computer creating this trash you write.

    Brave-You are a baby who complains about everything.

    Clean-Well your language/tone proves me right here.

    Reverent-The thought that your higher being(s) would want you to act like this is pure idiocy.


    Let's see what you have to say to this, and this is only the law we haven't even mentioned the oath, and if you are in the order of the arrow -- god help us.




    Please fell free to respond/pm me I am curious to what you have to say

  12. If your summer camp is running correctly you should have medic(s) and a health lodge technician. The health lodge technician should be the one who is responsible for cheeking or delegating who is to check. All food allergies schould be turned into the kitchen, and a list kept in the first aid area. Then the medicals are alphabatized and kept.


    After camp the medicals are to be kept for a periiod of 10 years (I think) and after that destroyed



  13. First, let me just say that between being a den chief for webelos dens and working at camp that coleman tend to leak and are more expensive and lesser quality than a lot of others. I suggest REI (www.rei.com) as someone said earlier, or eureka or llbean.


    If you have never been to there site www.campmor.com sells all kinds of outdoor gear all brands at lower prices. I suggest you request a catalog and look at it I've bought most of my stuff from them



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