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Posts posted by broken

  1. Three years, just left not to long ago to go back to school. The long hours, driving and all the BS got old. Was tired of no matter how hard I worked, people were there to cut me down. And I am not talking about the professional side of the house.

  2. BadenP....


    As a former pro, I can tell you that local councils recieve ZERO funds from national, in fact local councils have to pay National for the privilage to use BSA's trademark, everything that comes from National local councils have to pay for, brochures, billboards, applications. EVERYTHING. Why do you think councils merge? Its because they aren't raising the money. If you are concerned with where your FOS dollars go, ask to see a copy of your councils budget, its not a secret. And when you read the portion on salaries, keep in mind that covers everyone from camp staff on up. No one is getting rich working for the Scouts, It would be great if more volunteers stepped up and did the work so we didn't need professionals, but thats not going to happen. Show me a volunteer that can raise $50,000, recruit 600 kids (each fall), and grow units by 2% (not to mention, supervise/run daycamps, run special events, etc) in their free time. Would LOVE to meet that person.

  3. It may hurt to hear it from a fellow tubby guy, but its kind of true, we tell the kids they have to be physically fit while we sit in our camp chairs and suck down coffee. Back when I was a Scout, even though my scoutmaster was a big guy he ALWAYS went on the backpacking trips with us. Granted as I have gotten older, my waistline has expanded more then I care to admit, I am doing my best to drop the weight, in fact I am heading out for a bike ride now :) Adios!

  4. As a former pro....


    Grow a thick skin... some volunteers will throw you under the bus to your supervisors, even if its not deserved. A good field director/district director will know that 99% is BS.


    get ready for some long nights, in the fall you will be out of the house almost every night doing recruitment nights.


    be patient with your volunteers, often what is your priority is never theirs, it will stink having your goals directly dependent on volunteer performance.


    Make sure to make time for yourself, if you have a night meeting, take time off in the morning to do what ever you need to do for yourself. Be careful because in Scouting there is ALWAYS something going on that you could be at.


    Learn to turn your phone off on the weekends (unless there is a scouting event you are responsible for) You will have volunteers call you at 7am or 11pm. It will happen, remember, just because they call you at those ungodly hours doesnt mean you have to pick up the phone. Just be sure to call them back in a timely manner.


    Try not to get caught up in unit politics, Ex - a pack tried to bring me in because they caught a dad buying his kids pinewood derby car off ebay. I respectfully declined, what good would my presence done? I let a commisioner handle that one. Pick your battles.


    You will hear from volunteers that all professionals care about are #s or money. Which is true, without the $ the BSA cant run a program, many volunteers incorrectly assume that local councils recieve funds from National, they dont. Nor do they get huge sums from United Ways. Unfortunatly $ is what keeps camps open and operating, its what enables councils/districts to put on camporees, scout shows, etc. We recruit volunteers to run the program side of things.


    You will also hear some volunteers complain about "council" and its policies, thats when you remind them that the policies council puts out are for the most part set by volunteers. If they dont like a decision, tell them to get involved, policies are set by those who show up.


    And remember, at the end of the day, its just Boy Scouts, we are not trying to cure cancer or end world hunger here. Many people including professionals are passionate about the program.


    Good luck in your job! If you need someone to vent to please feel free to message me.





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