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Everything posted by 825scout

  1. Oh, sorry, the 1st prisoner says Torndo! And runs away
  2. Here's one I remember doing at my blue and gold banquet There are three prisoners and the rest are on a firing squad pretending to be holding guns and pointing their "guns" at the prisoners The leader of the firing squad says,"men, you are about to be executed. Do you have any last words?" The prisoner says, and runs away The firing squad turns around and says where! Where!? The leader yells at the firing squad He then says to the 2nd prisoner, do YOU have any last words The prisoner says Earthquake !!! And runs away The firing squad turns around and yells where? where! agai
  3. Our troop ( troop 825) has banned all electronics ( except gps and emergencies) at all troop activities. At campouts, you can take them with you on the way there and use them on the way there and back, but after that they get locked in the truck.
  4. Thanks. Which one would you recommend. pockets or no pockets but washable? Does either have a liner?
  5. Adults don't normally wear patrol patches because they simply aren't members of patrols. Only scouls wear them
  6. Hi, the other day, I was looking at jac shirts and I saw there were new green jac shirts. I was wondering if this is a step in replacing the red ones. There was also a sale on the red ones. I heard a rumor about this too.
  7. Hi, the other day, I was looking at the red jac shirts. I saw that they had a new green one. They also had a sale on the red ones. I was wondering if this meant they were replacing the red ones. I heard a rumor about this too.
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