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Everything posted by tomnh

  1. No. Smaller may be easier, but I think you're missing the point that a big part of scouting is developing leadership skills in scouts. To do so you need to have enough troop members for the leadership scouts to lead. And dealing with the "drama" and interpersonal issues is a big part of leadership.
  2. Wow - some are quick to condemn with so little information. On the one hand we have an eagle scout candidate who has for the last ~7 years (presumably) demonstrated that he is a good kid and is trustworthy, loyal, etc. Presumably if this were not the case he would not be within inches of earning Eagle. On the other hand we have one scout who we don't know anything about (but presumably has less credibility than the first) who thinks he saw something that may or may not have been marijuana. I think you need more facts before drawing any conclusions. I've learned many times that things
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