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About Timm

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  1. I'd first like to thank everyone for their contributions. I especially like the perspective captnkirk shared, this is really the root of my issue: "I would trust the safety of another person to A 15-year-old Scout. I would not neccisarily have the same trust in a GROUP of 15-year-old Scouts. It was not so long ago that I myself was a 15-year-old boy (6 years now) and I remember quite well the mischief we used to get into. I suspect even some of the older former Scouts out there can remember doing things in Scouting that did not reflect well on the Scouting movement." This is
  2. An ongoing argument I am having deals with adult supervision of patrols on overnight outings. One position argues that, on outings, the adults camp seperately up to half a mile from the patrols and interact with the patrols on an as required basis (i.e. approve activities which may include a short hike). Interaction should be kept to an absolute minimum to allow the patrols to succeed and fail, and learn from that failure. The other position is that the adults are there to watch the scouts, superverise their activities, at all times, to make sure nothing inappropriate is occuring. i.e
  3. Twocubdad got it right. The scout in my post used a deadly weapon (a knife)to threaten and itimidate another scout. Without trying to overreact, I believe that this incident warrants more than just getting your knife confiscated and extra cleaning duty. Sure we all see the sometimes ridiculousness of the zero tolerance policy. But society has gone to this extreme because people have been incapable of exercising 'good judgement' when faced with situations such as we have here. The knife was not a GI joe Two inch plastice knife. I think you really need to put yourself, or your own ch
  4. I had a similar incident occur at summer camp this year but rather than start a new thread, I'll just add it in here. First, I'd like to comment on what has been posted here. I see a lot of minimization of the seriousness of threatening a person with a knife occurring in the posts being made. Some posts describe the scouts act as just 'stupid and immature' which is a description that fits most criminal acts. Our judicial system is overwhelmed with those that have acted 'stupid and immature'. It was a crime nonetheless. Of course the act was 'just a bad joke', after he'd been repor
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