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    Lompoc, California

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  1. Patrick, I'm lucky enough to have some great people helping me from all levels and throughout the council. When I called for help, there was no hesitation from any of them. We're getting it together, and looks like we might just pull it off. Of course, I haven't met with council again. We had a bad rain storm and traveling 70 miles on way at night just didn't sound good on the night I was scheduled to meet with him. I'm sure he'll throw something else in there :-) That's alright, I'm flexible. Debi
  2. Thanks for all the great suggestions. I went to the Viking website and really liked it. When I met with our council program advisor, he liked what I had planned and, I guess, decided since I had that together so quickly, I could plan our first University of Scouting. Imagine my shock! So now, here I am getting a committee together to cover all levels and planning more classes to meet all needs. Well, nothing like pressure to do it right. The first one needs to be good or no one will want to go again. Again, thanks for the help. Debi
  3. I want to thank each of you who took the time to respond. You each gave some good ideas. I'm working up my list of sessions and possible presenters. These have been added to the list. I like the idea of arranging things according to the 12 values of Cub Scouting. Again thanks. Debi
  4. I am getting ready to set up sessions for a pow wow and am looking at getting suggestions from anyone and everyone. We usually do the same things over and over (tie slides, Flag, Dutch oven, songs & skits, knots and magic) and would like to offer some new sessions to choose from. I just completed a training for 15 new den leaders in my district alone and would like to offer them some exciting options. If you would take a quick moment and just jot down a few that have been successful for you, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance!!
  5. The homework these Tigers do they really enjoy. The family requirements for the Tiger badge is homework. Other homework has consisted of keeping a chart of chores they do for one week, saving cans for recycling and reading a book to a parent. After 15 years working with Cubs, Scouts and Scouters I know better than to push anyone. Only meeting twice a month, it helps these Tigers remember Scouting by doing something in between the meetings. They really look forward to it. The homework that the Tigers are behind on is the family activities. Not much we can do about that. We remind the partners that the Tiger can not earn the badge until all 15 parts are completed. The family section is up to them.
  6. My grandson's Tiger Den has 8 boys in it. There are 4 with single parents. We began in August and have had no problems with the adult partners remaining throughout the Den and Pack meetings. I was out for one meeting due to surgery, but my son(the uncle) stood in for me at the meeting. He took his girlfriend and she spent time working with the boys also. There are usually two boys with both parents at the meetings and the rest have one partner each. They range in age from 7 as the oldest to the youngest being 5 (my grandson, who is in first grade). This age difference would be hard but usually my grandson is the one to read activities and to lead the group. He is also about 5 inches taller (4 1/2 ft tall) than the rest. They are working on the activities and belt loops at the same time, and have homework after each meeting. There is only one family that is falling a little behind. Everyone else is excited about doing so much in so little time. We even had a display for the Pack meeting on service projects and plan to do a display at each meeting showing what we've done that month. We're recycling cans and donating the money to the local animal shelter as an on-going service project. Just wait until we become Webelos! Think of the real projects we can do.
  7. I have recently taken over as the District Training Chair and find basic training at an all time low. I checked all records, updated unit info and discovered we are about 27.5% trained. I would like to get to 50% by the end of the year. Any and all ideas to motivate leaders and encourage them to get to basic training would be appreciated. It has been about 4 years since there was a real training chair in the district. HELP!!!
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