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Everything posted by ScootCraft@Shenandoah_Rox

  1. well im from the Stonewall Jackson Area Council, next door neighbor to the former R.E. Lee Council in the good ol' Shenandoah Valley, Breadbasket of the confederacy. Anyway,with the Robert E. Lee Council changing its name, most of the people people in SJAC wooried about our anme changing. Most of the discussions that i have had with District execs, OA advisors, and even the Council exec and Council President have said that there has been no and there will be no discussion about changing the name for a loooooooooong time. The Robert E.
  2. ah hey remember at conclave when Tutelo lost VOLLLEYBALL!!!!
  3. i was researching my patch collection and i wrote down all the little numbers, but what i really want to know is if the T's (like in T1) or the S's ( S23) has any sort of signifigance.
  4. i am interested in trading a shenandoah lodge flap...plz email me at rjcluvvt@yahoo.com if your interested
  5. (This message has been edited by ScootCraft@Shenandoah_Rox)
  6. Willing to do 1:1 regarding Lodge Flap or CSP or do a 2:2 for both. I am from the Stonewall Jackson Area Council and a member of Shenandoah Lodge 258. Email me at rjcluvvt@yahoo.com if you are interested.
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