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Everything posted by sceagle

  1. This one post subject sure has stirred up a lot of messages, both against solo tent camping and for solo tent camping. But now, having read all the posts, I must add my thoughts. I really commend Bob for his posts and for defending his interpretations. It sounded like everyone was against him, but Bob is right in a way. And for all those of you who are 'for' solo tent camping, (consentual, not forceful) are also correct. I don't really see a difference in a boy sleeping alone in his tent and a boy sleeping alone in his own room at home. It's true boys mingle and stay up late hour
  2. Hey, I have worked at Camp Old Indian, but not in the Ecology Department, however I have taught merit badges in the Ecology Dept. during my free periods if they were short an instructor one week or so. We do have a nature trail set up which eventually leads to a nice waterfall and many other trails branch off/connect with the nature trail/waterfall trail. Many trees/plants/shrubs are named & labeled & have a descriptive paragraph a long the trail. The Nature Lodge comes equipped with numerous displays of non poisonous animals/reptiles/amphibians dead & alive as well as a lo
  3. While Camp Old Indian continues to strive to meet todays demands and tomorrow's expectations, it continues to prove to be one of the best Camps in the South East region. A 'good' Camp is not a Camp erected with state of the art facilities. True COI has buildings new and old, but that is not only what makes it great; The STAFF creates the proper Scout Camp environment. I believe great camps are created & established mostly from the staff. Not to brag on Camp Old Indian or it's programs, but let me tell you this...I, as a staff member, have been told by numerous troops that they really
  4. Thank you for your post. It helped out a lot. I am a Venturer with Troop 260 (and have no Eagle Scout award [squareknot] or Eagle Scout Patch) on my green venturing uniform. But since I can wear the patch on my left pocket until I am 21, I'll sew it on there. I am also a Scouter (asst. sm) for Troop's 245 & 260. I have the adult Eagle Scout award sewn on above the left pocket, so I guess I'll just let that be. I also work on Camp Staff at Camp Old Indian, and we actually become a venture crew for the summer as well as through out the year after camp ends, so we wear the Green venturi
  5. I understand that only the Scout wears the patches he earns [scout thru Eagle] on his left pocket, and when he becomes an adult Eagle Scout, he removes the Eagle Scout patch and sews on the Eagle Scout square knot. I didn't know this rule, but when I turned 18 I was told I couldn't wear it anymore, etc., so I bought the square knot that represented I was an Eagle Scout. However, I heard that [now] you can wear that Eagle Scout PATCH on your left pocket until you are 21 yrs of age. I dont know if that is true or not, can someone please help me out?
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