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Everything posted by sandim

  1. No, we were not assigned schools to recruit from, but were assigned schools to drop flyers off to before any of the scheduled recruitments took place. We are supposed to recruit from all of the elementary schools. Thanks for being so rude Basementdweller. I don't think that I will be back. It seems that some of the adults in Scouting could learn some better manners, not just playing fair. I suppose that if I had gone and deliberately not given out flyers so that your Pack's recruitment date was missed by the time they went out, I would be just doing my job? I don't view it that way. I te
  2. We aren't looking for high numbers but we are looking for each Pack to play fair. The problem is that the membership person is also the head of the Pack in question and it seems to be that they draw an inordinate amount of the available potential scouts. Last year, something similar happened and now again this year. I guess my feeling is that if the person can't play fair, and leave the decision which pack to join to the parents, by making sure that all of the recruitment info is out on time, then maybe you shouldn't be the membership person....if that makes any sense?? I am just frustrat
  3. There are 9 elementary schools in our school district, plus 4 private elementarys as well. That is why the distribution of flyers was split between the 4 Packs. All but one of the Packs distributed the flyers as they were supposed to. The Pack that did not had the three most populated elementary's, where most of the kids are drawn from. Those schools are where the flyers were not dropped off as the rest were. I did let the DE know that it appears that the flyers were not dropped off at those schools. It just seems a bit underhanded to me that those flyers were not dropped off in time for t
  4. Our district wants all Packs/Troops listed on one flyer to be given out for recruitments. This year, the distribution was split between the packs in the area. Some of the schools in the District did not recieve the flyers ( per school staff). A recruitment was held this weekend and three of the schools did not recieve the flyers. The recruitment event held today, went okay, but not nearly as many as we had expected to get with nearly 5 thousand flyers going out in the district. One of the Packs that was supposed to distribute the flyers was also the same one that was responsible for these t
  5. Thank you Prof. I love campfires, and I have plenty of marshmallows and chocolate if someone has the graham crackers.
  6. Hi All, I'm Sandi ,in NYS, mom to two Cub Scouts, a Wolf and a Bear. We've been involved in Cub Scouting since my oldest son was old enough to be a Tiger, three years now, and I have served as Assistant Tiger Leader ( for older son), Tiger Leader ( for 2nd son), now as Committee Chair and Wolf Leader.I just finished my WB course and am now working my ticket. I have also had many years as a Girl Scout Leader for our daughters, a Master Council Trainer, Community Chair, Committee Member for several Council committees, etc..... Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself and say hello....
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