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Everything posted by Robert_ND

  1. I like that idea a bit better than the "treasure map" approach. It would allow the adult volunteers a chance to get involved too calling out the directions (and would let them keep the boys directed if need be). With Target selling compasses for $1 each having that as a prize is a great idea. Robert.
  2. I'm putting together the final activities for our July pack event (an outdoor skills day where the kids will learn how to use a compass, tie a bowline knot, read a basic map, ...). The thing I'm stuck on is activities that can be used to let the kids have fun while practicing using a compass. I was thinking of creating a course for them to follow with hints such as "20 yards south-east of the large oak tree" and "15 feet at 220 degrees from the wood pile". Can anyone suggest any other games that would be easy for the cubs to understand? There just has to be Compass Tag!
  3. True - a service project should involve service to others. My reading of the award requirments doesn't imply it needs to be a service project but rather a conservation project. I guess the question would be what constitutes a conservation project. On one hand, one could argue that making the auto garbage bags has the goal of reducing road-side litter and educating people on proper garbage disposal (would you rather clean the park or prevent it from getting dirty?). On the other hand I imagine more people would make the argument that a conservation project should have an immed
  4. Champ, That's a really good idea. When the saw the pictures and realized (I was too busy to notice the day-of) that no boys wore their uniforms I felt like next time I should do something about that. I hadn't figured out what and your idea is just what I needed. uz2bnowl, I must have missed your personal message? I don't see anything about soda bottle rockets in your reply to this thread so I'm not sure what you mean. Thanks. Robert.
  5. Ok - this is kind of an off-beat idea and I haven't thought it all the way through so maybe it stinks . More importantly I've never done this so for all I know it won't work ... Disposing of garbage is a great theme for a conservation award but when I think of conservation I think of the "reduce, reuse, recycle" mantra. So I'd like to incorporate at least one of those into a conservation project. So my suggestion is to make the garbage bag holder using a pair of old pants. First figure out how large of an opening you want in the top. I would imagine about a foot long - not too b
  6. First - thanks to everyone who responded. This amount and quality of advice has been great. Immediately important was the advice on the rules regarding campouts and the required training and forms needed to be proper. Thankfully I read ScoutNut's response a few hours before the event started and was able to get everything squared away by getting a former Webleos leader with the appropriate training (and still registered with the pack) to agree to camp out with us (I had already filed a tour permit). It turned out the weather was not agreeable for a campout so when the derby ended at 7:
  7. This is a long post. Im writing it to serve two purposes: 1) to vent. 2) To share my experience so far and to solicit feedback on what I could have done differently and where I should go from here. Ive been a den leader for two years (Tiger and Wolf) and in that time have seen two CMs come and go. The first CM was good but with a few major flaws. He and his wife ran the pack pretty well. The kids had lots of activities, there was good scout retention and the pack grew in size by almost 30% in one year (were a town of about 2000). The two major flaws are: 1) They did not
  8. After a couple years as a den leader (Tiger and Wolf) I have accepted the role as the CM for our pack. I'm sure I'll have (I already do) many questions - but for now I'll just introduce myself and say "Hello". My name is Robert, I'm married (10 years) to Sue (and now the asst. CM), I have four children (10[g], 8, 7, 3[g]) - two of which are in scouts (entering Wolf and Bear). I'm looking forward to my first year as a CM and hope to be able to help answer as many questions as I know I will be asking. Robert.
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