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Everything posted by ribbit

  1. This is as old as the debates about women vs men and has about as many advantages, disadvantages, and opinions. However, from an outdoor scouting perspective I am a outdoor leader, take my 15 girls camping, invite other troops wanting to try it out, and I have a full set of Boy Scout outdoor materials along side my GS materials. They are more detailed, I know they are "age appropriate" and when I get stuff off the internet I don't always know it is accurate so they serve as a great foundation. And as a bonus helping my husband with our son's cub scout troop has been a breeze because
  2. First let me say I think this is sad, but not isolated. I am the leader at the "other" school that has taken in girls that were not "allowed" to join or only wanted to join GS if they could go to a different troop. While you all brought up great points, I want to point out another side of this issue and point out that not all leaders who turn away girls are ugly green heartless monsters. First, your job as being a leader depends highly on your parents. They are the supporters, drivers, family cookie coordinators, fellow campers, etc. Picture yourself for a moment, your own family respons
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