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About pilapeu539

  • Rank
    Junior Member

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  • Location
    New Hampshire
  1. The one and only purpose of adults in the OA is to support a youth run program. This is now the main criteria for new adult membership. But let's face it - not every adult makes a good OA adviser. Someone who makes a great cubmaster may not make an easy transition from being the face of the program to taking a back to a youth member. Some adults just like being in charge. An "adult committee" would run contrary to most lodge's by-laws where youth must chair committees, but it also seems ill-advised to turn away skilled workers from performing projects in camp. In our lodge we do have man
  2. If you believe the OA serves no real purpose, I would say that either your lodge is not fulfilling its mission, or you aren't well informed about what the OA does in your council. An active and thriving lodge provides a significant amount of service to the council, camps, and community, as well as financial support. At the National Order of the Arrow Conference last week, the new Chief Scout Executive addressed the attendees and threw around some statistics that indicated the OA provided over 1 million man-hours of service to councils and camps in 2011, and many more millions in direct f
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