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Everything posted by onejanedoe

  1. I have a Kindle. I love it. I'm reading again! I have it for scouting. All my BSA related PDFs are on it. When a parents questions about uniforms and badge placement, the information's right there! I want National to put the scouting handbooks on Kindle! Not for the boys, they aren't supposed to have electronics on campouts, etc. For me, the leader! I'm the one constantly referencing Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Scout Handbooks, the G2SS, etc. I want it for MY reference, my planning, my quoting, for when I have to end a discussion by stating "it says right here, that..." Someo
  2. If you'll send me your email address, I'll send the file out.
  3. Not everyone has 3G cell service. Some people think cell phones are for phone calls. I'm really so glad that TroopMaster has been perfect for you. You are not the only user. You are making all these assumptions without having the benefit of knowing what my spreadsheet does. You have your opinion, I have mine. Best of luck to you.
  4. (1) The experience we've had with Internet Advancement so far is that one user who thinks they know what they're doing can destroy every piece of data entered into the system. Some kind of backup system is needed. (2) The same problem exists for the software packages put out by TroopMaster. We've seen that system crash and burn our Pack's data. (3) Any good system has a redundant back-up for data losses. (4) Not everywhere you go, can you get Internet access, nevermind have access to Internet Advancement. (5) Because Murphy does rule and likes to remind us that he is the one in charg
  5. I'm jumping into this post a little late, but... As a part of my Wood Badge Ticket, I've created an Excel spreadsheet that does (in my humble opinion) a preety good job tracking a den's advancement from Tiger through Webelos, the ancillary/secondary awards the scouts can earn in each of these rank years and for the totality of the Belt Loops & Pins. For Bears and Wolves, I've used the Trax format for Parent Status Sheets, that feed (autofill) from the data entered in the Den Status Master spreadsheet. Parent Status Sheets for Webelos are in process. If anyone would like
  6. We use one CM and 2 ACM's. The first ACM is over camping, the second over derbies. The three leaders work together and supplement each other. It's a great arrangement.
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