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Posts posted by oldisnewagain1

  1. Moose tracker:


    I'm a scoutmaster.


    The way I've written them here is much simpler than the actual ticket (though I did have 100% training of ADMs and Troop Committee)and I misspoke on the youth training (It should have read TLT training).


    Currently my ticket has been accepted as completed and I'm just awaiting my beading.



  2. IMHO...


    You need to have a meeting with the COR and discuss the troop and your plans for the troop.


    If the COR is in agreement, you next need to have a meeting with the CC and COR to lay all your cards on the table. Inform the CC that the committee is there to help the boys carry out their plans based on the PLC decisions. Your job is to train the SPL (and PLC) how to do their job and then let them do it (without further Adult interference). You will be the final word for the troop and unless there is a health or safety issue you will not interfere with the boys decisions.

  3. My first thought was (in my best Monty Python voice) RUN AWAY,RUN AWAYyyy!!!


    ...then I read the last line "multiple boys ran up to me and asked if I was their new SM and you could see the life drain from their bodies. " (assuming when you said no) and thought you have to do it for the boys.


    A few questions;


    What does the COR want? (The COR has the final word don't they?)


    Who is running the Troop? (I've got a gut feeling it's the committee.)


    What happened to the last Scoutmaster? (and have you gotten their take on the troop and committee?)



    As far as being a "virtual Scoutmaster" I think Yoda said it best "Do, or do not. There is no try."





  4. True, BP is credited with starting the world wide Scouting Movement. Both Seaton and Baden-Powell knew each other and corresponded long before the creation of the Boy Scout movement.


    It is certainly arguable bits of Seaton's 1906 book "The Birch Bark Roll of the Woodcraft Indians " found it's way into BP's "Scouting for Boys" in 1908.



    In a letter to Seaton, in August of 1906, Baden-Powell commented "sincerely grateful to you for your kindness in forwarding me your interesting Birch Bark". He went on to say that he was thinking about "a scheme with a handbook to it, for the education of boys as scouts - which essentially runs along the same lines of yours."


    If anyone is interested in the relationship of Baden-Powell, Seaton,and Beard (as well as the early history of Scouting in America),

    I would highly recommend a book by David Scott and Brendan Murphy call "The Scouting Party".(This message has been edited by oldisnewagain1)

  5. Couple of additional thoughts on packing the stove...


    I've seen a store brand of ziplock screwtop containers that the quart can fits. (The ziplock version has tapered sides and other can wont fit.)


    What I'm using is an old,d container the kind when you buy 100 blank CDs or DVDs. All you.have to do is remove the center spindle











  6. Here is the one I've made that burn pretty well




    I currently trying the plans for the empty 1qt can from Home Depot and the progresso 20 oz soup can but I cant seem to get the "snug fit" a lot of plans call for without cutting the 1qt can



  7. Well, here is my go at this...

    North, Osprey, Kelty, adds Requirements, Orange Juice, Troop 324

    Northeast, Sea Lion, old canvas, Stifles boy leadership, Yoohoo, Troop 118

    East, Grizzly, Big Agnes, lax on bullying, coffee, Troop 275

    Southeast, Mule Deer, Dome, Losses Temper, Diet Coke, Troop 764

    South, Prairie Dog, Euraka, Helicoper Scouter, Gatorade, Troop 123

  8. 1. How many did we lose because we are boy-led ... IMHO none, but I'm sure there are parents who have their kids join the adult led troop in town. (I'm not so sure I want those parents telling me how to run the troop anyway.) The funny part is I get most of those kids back after a couple of years because the Scouts don't like the adult-led troop.


    2. It's only happened once because the Scout wanted to be in a smaller troop and I was fine with it.


    3. If you define a "trouble Scout" as a Scout who's conduct warranted a discussion with the Scoutmaster, I would say the % is very low. The boy leadership or the boys themselves usually handle the issue before it rises to my level

  9. I challenged the patrols for the last campout, since we were not backpacking this trip, to come up with the best tasting dinner.


    The results ham and potatoes au Gratin for one patrol and Coca-cola chicken with roasted red potatoes (both had corn if I remember correctly).


    The adults had spare ribs (cooked on site), real mashed potatoes, and corn.


    While one patrol received bragging rights, the real winner was everyone who attended with a satisfying hot meal on a cold night.


    (...and nobody complained when it was time to clean up)

  10. DANGER...DANGER Will Robinson


    OK lets see...


    First computer used teletype terminal with acoustic phone coupler (50 baud?)to a major university who was on a nation wide network. Played Star Trek, got an ASCII print of Spock and leaned "spaghetti" BASIC (10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD", 20 GOTO 10)


    First owned computer a Trash-80 4k Model I and first software purchase Zork (or maybe it was Haunted House)


    Television: 3 channels (NBC, CBS, and ABC) in black and white and earliest shows remembered Popeye, Bugs Bunny, and something called Fireball X15 which was a puppet show on TV. Chet Huntley and David Brinkley giving us the daily body counts from the war and news of the astronauts (Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo). Then after a few years you could see TV shows in "living Color". I'll never forget Nixon saying "Sock-it to me?".


    Self server gas stations? Nope, but the gas attendant would pump the gas, wash the windows, and give you some swag (glasses, plastic nick knacks, etc) Exxon was Esso and not merged with Mobil (gas was .25/gallon).


    Not only did you open oil cans with a can opener but your soda too...


    Calling the fire department, police, or a friend one town over...dial 0 and ask to be connected


    Green stamps and Top Value stamps and stores


    You could not wait for the Sears or JC Penney's catalog Christmas catalog to come in August. Allied Radio Shack sold outboard motors in the catalog. (or how about battery cards)


    Penny candy that cost a penny, Tang (drank the stuff by the gallon because of the space program), Milk men delivered every day and at school lunch milk was in a bottle. Speaking of school, First and second grade was in the same room with the same teacher. (Three classrooms in total 1st through 6th)


    OJ played at USC and there was the famous "Heidi Game"


    Bill Cosby was talking about "Noah ... Right!" when not a side kick to Robert Culp


    First car driven 59 MGA, first new car owned VW bug










    (This message has been edited by oldisnewagain1)

  11. hmmmm....


    So should we also get rid of the Merit Badge sash because a sash is typically worn by Scottish women in highland dress?


    I proudly wear my tartan scarf (I meant neckerchief)


    "O brave new world! That has such people in it!"- John the Savage





    (This message has been edited by oldisnewagain1)

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