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Posts posted by ogghall

  1. Based on the variety of answers it is no wonder why our troop does not have clear diretion on local tour permits either. I do not understand why there is not a clear description given by BSA on when it has to be used. I go to our our district roundtables and if you ask the question in 3 different months you get three differnt answers. I guess the only reason from a liability standpoint I heard that it has to be filled out is that the troop liability insurance does not cover a troop claim if one is not filled out.


    If you go to the BSA site this is what it says: Tour Permits

    If a unit plans a trip within 500 miles of the home base, it is important that the unit obtain a local tour permit. A national tour permit is required for trips in excess of 500 miles from home or outside the continental United States. (See samples of both in the appendix.)


    Tour permits have become recognized by national parks, military institutions, and other organizations as proof that a unit activity has been well planned and organized and is under capable and qualified leadership. These organizations may require the tour permit for entry.


    Most short, in-town den trips of a few hours do not require a tour permit; however, it is recommended that dens obtain permission slips from parents.


    No clear direction here either

  2. We are a small troop of about 14 active scouts. The SPL and ASPL have not been in either of our 2 patrols. They are in what is called the Leadership Patrol. It is made up of them and 2 others who are no longer active. They were JASM's. My thought is to put the SPL and ASPL back into PAtrols. Otherwise everytime we have a Troop SPL election or ASPL selection the patrols have to be revised so the number is somewhat equal. My question is, Is there a purpose to a "Leadership Patrol" or should SPL and ASPL's be in regular patrols?

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