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Everything posted by Obi-Wayne

  1. I have the old book could some one PM me the password please.
  2. I have the old book could some one PM me the password please.
  3. Yes, the link to the guide on wearing a kilt with the Boy Scout Uniform is www.neusebasinbsa.org/History/woodbadgehighlanddress.pdf
  4. Not true there is a guide to wearing a kilt on the Wood Badge site.
  5. That's your opinion, and it's my family heritage. Also, scouting has a Scottish background with Woodbadge. There is an official Tarten patern and the Woodbadge use the Mclearen Tarten as their offical patern. Maybe you should think about that before you start stomping on others background. And here is many examples of Scouts in Kilts, and there are also examples in the original Scout books. You can find many examples of Scouts in Kilts including the old Scout books.
  6. I have a Casual Kilt that I have from Kommando Kilts that Matches the pants color. You can pick one up off the website for $135.00. They are great for camping, hiking, or what every your out door activity. www.kommandokilts.com Your Friend in Scouting, Wayne W. Leith
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