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Everything posted by nosretep

  1. Thanks for your reply - where can I find/buy them???? I/ve looked alomst everywhere.
  2. Are the BSA pants with the side pockets still available? Pockets are like those on cargo pants - also has back pockets but no top front like current official pants. I have seen these pants on a number of people and like them much better than the pants currently available.
  3. has national considered making - or have they ever made - zip-off pants?
  4. I have been asked to be the Governor for the local Council Chuckwagon Derby. I have attended and enjoyed a few and would love to implement some new 'things'. Looking to hear some tried and true ideas for stations and activites throughout the derby. Great if 75th anniversary could be implemented this year in some way. Thanks for sharing!
  5. Ypou sound like you might be able to add some positive ideas to this den and/pr pack. Certainly sounds like a lot of fundraisers. When they had the first fundaraiser - what was the outcome. It does take money to run a Pack, you might be surprised at how much. EVERY parent should be involved with the cubscout program. It is a family program and is promoted as that from the beginning. I have a problem witht the fact that you have lots of time to sit in the car and write long emails about good ideas but supposedly no time to implement these ideas into the pack. Have you condidered being part o
  6. Interested in finding out how to play the suggested game in this months program helps guide (Time in a Capsule). Game is called Number Call-Out. Description is available in the Scout How-To book. I have older edition and can not locate it. Have looked online - also to no avail. Can anyone help me with the game description or point to site that can help?
  7. If he is never there then how can we posibly become some kind of hero to him? And actually and unfortunately I bought all the felt there was in the store, the whole bolt, and then some, and as it is I have to figure out some way to get the 10 I absolutely know I need out of it. I am 2 yards short and have to somehow perform a miracle. The store can order it but it would take 3 weeks. So am I supposed to go so far out of my way - believe it or not, the only other place to get the material I would need is 40 miles away - to become this hero?
  8. So... what do you when it's the parent who has the constant behavior problems? We have a parent who has two scouts in our pack. The boy in my den has missed more than half of the den meetings.He arrives in an untucked scout shirt that I gave to the mother for the boy. He has no neckerchief, slide, hat, etc. The mother has never bought the boyu a book therefore has obviously never participated in any of the activities within the book, at least with the boy in my den. When he does come to the den meetings he has no dues. The mother called the local council office and complained that we aske
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