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Everything posted by noskad

  1. Who is this wheeler dude, anyway? It seems like no matter what the original topic of a thread was, it is changed to a bizarre argument over "socialist pedagogy" and feminism and "androgenizing boys." LOL Yes, I know this thread was started by wheeler, but...I don't think it really matters. This wheeler is obviously (as others have pointed out) someone who knows nill about Scouting, its motives, its methods, and least of all, its values. Those of us who actually were or are Scouts and Scouters know better than that. My advice: give it up, wheeler, because you'll never convert anyone here.
  2. My apologies for not allowing the thread to die. I just joined today, and began reading from page one all the way through. Until I reached the last page, I was not aware that I was "resurrecting a 13 page thread that no one possibly remembers the details of." "I imagine we all have our views on this issue and will probably not change them based on on some post on the internet. Therefore further posts on this issue, while perhaps entertaining, serve no legitimate purpose on this forum." It may be correct that internet postings may not bring about change, but they do give an outlet t
  3. Let me clarify my previous comments: My assertion that forming a new group doesn't make sense was because it does not make sense relative to this debate. It is akin to "I don't want you on my team, so why don't you go form your own team...but you still can't play with us." I made no comments of suggestions that anyone should be "chipping away" at the ideals of the BSA. While I was quoted as saying, The BSA is a wonderfully beneficial organization and should not exclude any boys for any reason, if the post from which this quote came is re-read, there is another quote. "The BSA
  4. I agree 100% with OldGreyEagle's post of RE: Scouting's Real Gay Policy Posted: Sunday, March 17, 2002: 10:48:24 PM: "...sexuality is something best left out of scouting and in the scout's family or church whenever possible." A boy's sexuality, regardless of gay or straight, should be kept completely out of the BSA. The family home is the proper forum for the discussion of human sexuality between a boy and his parents.
  5. I am not completely sure that cjmiam gets the point of this whole debate. He continually suggests that "if it's so meaningful to you, I see no reason why you can't go start the Gay Scouts of America. You could do everything that we do, but allow people to be gay while doing it." The debate can be summarized by two opposing viewpoints: 1.) The BSA is a private organization with autonomy to decide for what it stands and whom may join; and 2.) The BSA is a wonderfully beneficial organization and should not exclude any boys for any reason. Suggesting the someone go start "the Gay Scou
  6. As I have not read all 13 pages of posts yet (still working on it), forgive me if I am about to make a redundant response. In response to the posting by DedicatedDad, RE: Scouting's Real Gay Policy Posted: Monday, February 11, 2002: 4:10:33 PM: "Of course morality is linked to religious principle... not any one specific religion, but a teaching that there is a higher power outside ones self, represented in many forms. No, you got it backwards, religious principle is linked to morality. Morality existed before there was religion. When man first walked upright and became endowe
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