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Posts posted by mtm25653

  1. My sons' troop has a building owned by the "Former long-time scoutmaster" Memorial Scouting Foundation. They provide the use of the building at no cost to the scout troop, other scout units (girl scouts/cub scouts/district training) and the troop's charter organization, a Lions Club). Except for the charter organization, no non-scout group can use it. It is on land donated by a former troop member, and was built 8 or 10 years ago with funds raised from current and former troop families. The foundation has its own board, and existed before the building (provided, and still provides, some camp scholarships.)

  2. The coolest cub slide I've seen/made is a Wolf head made from a turkey neck bone (the bone looks like a wolf - add beads for the eyes, plus felt ears and tongue if you want). Paint the bone grey or brown or leave bone white. Add a piece of pipe cleaner to the back to hold the neckerchief.

  3. DON'T UNDERESTIMATE what this scout will be able to do.


    I had a first year Webelos, special needs (autistic) boy. His mom put him is scouts to help him become more independent. When he started, he did not look anyone in the eye, never spoke except when directly asked a question, participated some but frequently was kind of in his own world. He could not read or write beyond a first grade level, so I made sure he didn't need to. 17 months later, he legitimately earned his Arrow of Light. His parents were amazed at what he was able to do. He crossed over into boy scouts. Sunday afternoon of his first boy scout campout, he came home and asked his mom if he could show his younger brothers how to build a fire and cook over it. She let him, and for maybe the first time, he got to be the big brother, teaching his younger brothers (who already could do more than he could academically). He cooked eggs, and told his mom he did a better job than the other boy in his patrol who got ashes in them. Fast forward 6 years. The troop has done the paperwork with Council for alternative requirements - he still can't really read or write. He is a Star Scout, working on his Eagle project collecting books and materials to send to the troops in Iraq. He stands up straighter, looks people (even strangers) in the eye when he speaks to them or shakes their hand, initiates conversations, sees what needs to be done (like setting up chairs before a meeting) and does it. He's been to Philmont. I have 2 Eagle Scout sons (and a 3rd working on it), but I will be prouder when this scout earns his Eagle then when my own boys did.


    Give your scout the opportunity to grow and advance. You may be amazed.


  4. We have our monthly pack Powwow the last Monday of the month from 7 to 8pm (or a little later.) We call it a powwow instead of a meeting, because meetings are boring. We don't use the monthly themes, but we sometimes have special decorations (halloween, flags, etc.) A couple of times a year, we have the powwow outside.


    One den does the flag ceremony. One or more dens does a skit, or display, or talks about a field trip (frequently with a photo slide show). When boys get their awards, they stand on the "steps of honor" to be individually recognized. We have a ceremony for ranks involving drums and face painting. (Bobcats also mark their parents' faces). The ceremony for joining our pack involves face painting and a parents pledge to support their boys.


    This year, we are also learning patriotic songs - we sang God Bless America for several months (finishing with the boys singing it on their own for the parents) and now we are starting on It's a Grand Old Flag.


    One meeting we have uniform inspections followed by den pictures.

  5. When we were buying youngest son his first pack, we looked at adjustable frame packs at REI - middle son pointed out they were having a clearance, and we ended up buyning 2 non-adjustable frame packs (small and medium) for less than $100. He used the small for a couple of years (then several others in the troop borrowed it to try out) and has used the medium for 300+miles of backpacking. All for under $100.

  6. We usually camp at the nearby state park lake, so we have a fishing derby - safety and other info to earn fishing belt loop, then 1 hour of fishing, with awards for (at various campouts) biggest fish, most total inches of fish, most interesting non-fish, smallest fish - this takes up most of Saturday morning. May/June campouts we include a period of swimming (with Safe Swim precautions) in the afternoon.


    We usually have a den time - dens plan their own activities for an hour. Potluck hot dog dinner (pack provides hot dogs and drinks, everyone brings a side or dessert).


    This May, our campout is going to focus on Geology belt loop/geologist activity pin (Web father is a geologist and puts on programs).


    Many times I've put on the hug-a-tree program (how not to get lost in the woods and what to do if you get lost). Sometimes a scavenger hunt by den (include the appropriate cub handbook as one item). Tug of war is a big hit.


    We've also done a Tent-or-Treat campout the past 2 years in October - afternoon includes pumpkin carving by family, early evening includes a pumpkin contest, costume contest and trick-or-treating to tents, followed by a campfire (glow stick necklaces/bracelets were a big hit.)


    Short worship service Sunday morning before packing up.

  7. We do 2 sets of races - by den, every boy races in every lane (4 lane track, so 4 races) with den winner by total time. Then, double elimination for the pack (2 races in each heat - boys swap lanes), so again each boy races a minimum of 4 more times (more if they win one or more heats).

  8. Because the Chaplain has responsibilities far beyond what I would expect of a youth:


    Responsibilities of the Chaplain, from BSA's The Roles of Troop Chaplain and the Chaplain Aide, No. 5-216A (1992) (as found on usscouts.org)

    1. Serve as a resource to new families on opportunities for worship in the area (at no time should the chaplain proselytize).

    2. Help in the event of accidents, illnesses and other problems.

    3. Work with Chartered Organization Representatives.

    4. Support unit leadership through recruitment and recognition.

    5. Encourage Scout participation in Religious Emblem study programs.

    (and several others)

  9. It might not matter if a pack draws from 2 or more schools if the schools are minutes apart. In our case, from the far reaches of one school district to the far reaches of the other is more like a 50 minute drive - having a pack 10-15 minutes away, instead of one 30+ minutes away makes school night meetings feasible.

  10. My boys came up in a pack that averaged 60-70 (high of ~90 over 7 years) that served 3 schools. Our side of our rural county is experiencing a lot of growth, with the population set to double in the next few years. 2 years ago we started a new pack, taking a Web II and a Bear den from the old pack into the new. Both packs recruited at 2 of the schools, the old pack at the other school right by their location. Recruitment first year added a Tiger and Wolf den, and 2 Web Is (boy scout ASM took them under his wing as a separate den.) Second year, another den moved over (all lived 20+ minutes closer to our location) and have 2 Tiger dens, for a total of about 55 boys. Old pack had some leader challenges last year and are down to about 25 boys - combined we are still bigger than the old pack, and we both have some room to grow. We are already nearing capacity at our charter church (old pack was very crowded at its church at 70 boys). I anticipate that within a few years we will split our pack again, so there is one pack per school (our 2 Tiger dens are already split by school.)


    Our biggest 2 challenges are coordinating recruitment events when there are 2 packs pulling from the same school and (longer term) finding space for a pack that's bigger than about 60 boys. So for us, I think ideal would be 50-60 in each pack, one den of each level with maybe one or two levels with 2 dens.

  11. dfousek asked about a PACK outing, not a troop - these are 2 different animals. All pack camping is family camping, so you can't banish the moms to another area. I agree that the ships you can stay on know how to deal with this, so go with what they say. Likewise for a lockin at a museum, everyone sleeps in the same area (there are restrooms to change in). Our pack doesn't do any cabin camping so we've never had to deal with this - each family has their own tent, and sleeps as a family.

  12. I just looked at the "backpacking food" shelf in my pantry - various flavors of dehydrated meals, Zatarain's Complete Meals (boil in the bag instead of microwave, Uncle Ben's Ready rice (boil in the bag instead of microwave), Knorr Sides Plus, Lipton Rice Sides, foil packs of Tyson chicken. Plus instant oatmeal, Nutrigrain bars, crackers and peanut butter in a squeeze tube on another shelf (and at least one MRE) - my boys can just plan their menu from that.

  13. Goldwinger, my cub scouts "help the pack go" by helping to set up and clean up at pack meetings, by leading the flag ceremony (with their leaders guidance), by putting on skits and songs at the pack meeting (with their leaders guidance). Some of them come to join scouting night in uniform and talk to the new scouts. They invite their friends to join the pack. They sell popcorn (with their parents) to help earn money for the pack. Our Webelos help with our other fundraiser (concession stand at the local univ football games).


    They do these things with their parents and leaders, because they are cubs, not boy scouts, but the experiences they have "helping the pack go" are experiences that help them when they become boy scouts in a boy-led troop.

  14. The first few meetings after crossover (ours is late Feb) cover basic scout skills - fire building, totin chip, cooking, etc. Their first campout is usually at a nearby farm within a month of crossover and is focused on basic camping skills. Most of the new scouts have camped with the troop at least once as Webelos so they have an idea of how the campsite is laid out - at the first campout, they learn more explicitly about setting up a campsite, practice totin chip and fire building skills, cook their first meals over an open fire, learn how to wash dishes, have an evening troop campfire Saturday and a Scouts Own service Sunday morning.


    The next month is usually district camporee, and several times our new scout patrol has won events (string burning and pancake flipping come to mind.) There is another campout in May before summer camp in June with a full-day new scout program - almost all of our new scouts go to summer camp. Most of them have tenderfoot by the Sept COH. Fall holds at least 3 troop campouts and another district camporee. January is usually a ski trip, followed by another campout in Feb before the cycle starts again. (At least one of the campouts is usually a backpacking trip, with a shorter version for the younger boys.)


    Troop meetings, planned by the boys, are sometimes focused on the campout (district camporee events, bike trip, backpacking, rock climbing, canoeing, shooting sports, skiing), sometimes are focused on basic scout skills (first aid, knots, pioneering), or programs that are traditions in our troop every two or three years (pottery, with a visit to a famous local potter; glassblowing; law with visits to the local jail and a mock trial in the historic county courtroom; plumbing; music). Occasionally a special speaker (man who was a scout in Ireland during WWII, historical reenactor, etc.) Plus a fun night every few months (trip to a golf driving range, bowling alley or roller skating, none of which are local.)


    Many if not most boys get first class by the May COH after being a scout 15 months or by the Sept COH at 19 months. Some get it in a year (or less). The vast majority have strong skills.

  15. In our troop, if a boy earns first class in his first year, he's probably been on 8 to 10 weekend (2 night) campouts and a week of summer camp - even if he didn't cook at summer camp (and the first year program at the camp we most frequently goes to does have them cook some meals) he ATE meals at summer camp and got an idea of what is nutritious and tasty. (He also presumably has a family who has taught him something, has been to school where he learned about the food pyramid and may have been a cub where he learned about the food pyramid several times.)


    He has probably helped cook one or more meals at each of those 8 to 10 campouts, so he has learned what works and what his patrol mates like to eat. He has also seen the adults eat GREAT food and the other patrols eat very good food so he knows that good food is possible on a campout, and his new scout patrol has a troop guide who has been on several years worth of campouts and can give good suggestions.


    He may choose an oatmeal breakfast (with some extras) because that's what the troop frequently eats on backpacking or other strenuous trips. He might choose a sandwich lunch (with some extras) because everyone likes it and it's quick to prepare and clean up so there is more time for the other activities. He'll probably choose a more elaborate dinner (my son helped invent "cheesy italian ramen skillet" when he was a first year scout - ground beef, pepperoni, onions, peppers, tomatoes, ramen noodles and cheese) and likely a dutch oven dessert. And yes, I would consider that more than adequately fulfilling the first class requirement.



  16. Middle son slipped on wet rocks (he was SPL and was warning the scouts about the wet rocks) and split open his chin. SM and other leaders looked at it and had decision to make - hike out 5 miles to the cars, then find an emergency room somewhere or just tape it up. The split was under the chin (not visible from front) where a scar wouldn't show, so they cleaned it up and taped it well. When they got home, I confirmed they made the right call.


    Two years later, youngest son fell on a ski trip and split open his chin, leaving a several foot long streak of blood on the slope. Ski patrol stopped and took him down the slope. This split, too, was under the chin (not visible from front). Scout leaders (or maybe ski patrol, I'm not sure) cleaned it up good and taped it - he continued to ski the rest of the day. Again, I agreed they made the right call.


    In both cases, if the splits had been in the front, I would have been fine with the boys not getting stitches even if they ended up with a small visible scar. I trust their leaders to make an appropriate call, and they trust me that I wouldn't get freaked out either way.

  17. Herms,

    Plumbing is a great choice for a hands-on merit badge - my husband has done it several times at summer camp as an evening activity, and once at troop meetings. Have all the boys do their soldering off of the same piece of pipe, and you end up with a piece of modern art. He didn't finish the badge at the troop meeting, but some boys who were interested arranged to meet with him to finish it - when it was done at camp, I think everyone finished. (During the day at one of those camps, he fixed the camp's water main - he always brings his tools to camp.)


    Our PLC frequently plans merit badge programs - some, like cycling or skiing, are done as prep for trips. Others, are just a tradition - the troop does the Law merit badge every 3 years or so. ASM is the town attorney. One meeting they go to the town jail. Another, they put on a mock trial (SM accused of cannibalism when trapped in a cave) in the historic town courthouse. Everyone in the troop does the trial 2 or 3 times while a scout - usually a juror the first time, then a witness, then a lawyer. No adult "forces" this "boring" badge on the troop - the boys choose it, and enjoy it, and learn a lot.

  18. Brownie, Junior and 1 year as a Cadette - 4th-7th grade we camped once a month (wintertime in unheated cabins) and cooked all our food over an open fire.


    Oldest son joined as a 5th grade Webelos and earned his AOL and crossed over in May, the only boy his age in the troop. Didn't know about summer camp, but managed to stay involved in boy scouts. Three years later, middle son joined cub scouts. I've been a Tiger Coach (pre-den leader), Fundraising chair for pack, Committee chair for pack, Webelos den leader (for youngest son). When his den crossed over, I thought I was done with active leadership (committee member/Web to Scout coordinator for troop) but was then recruited to be Cub Roundtable Commissioner. Four years of that, plus working with training in the district. Then started a new cub pack as committee chair for the past two years. (And troop committee.)


    Two oldest sons earned Eagle - youngest is 16 and a senior - plans to do his project in the spring. I plan probably one more year as committee chair, but then I need to find another job.

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